
Help! Track finished way early and now i have 3 wks xtra in the 12 month training cycle.What should I do?

by  |  earlier

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how do i extend my training cycle to around 18 wks and avoid burnout from running too much as far as time? i am going to be a junior in high school and im currently ending my 5th week running base following the atf 2001 base training plan.




  1. What do you mean by "track finished way early"?  Did you not know when track ended before the season started?  Also, where you not following your coaches training plans during the track season?

  2. The best thing to do if a training cycle ends prematurely is to "de-train."  Basically reduce your overall training intensity and volume to ease your body back into it's "normal" state.  If you stop abruptly, many runner at worse, become ill but more often feel uncharacteristically sore, grumpy, etc.  You have to ease out of training just as you ease into it.

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