
Help!!! Urgent-Pregnant and ex being a pain! help plz?

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I told my ex im pregnant around a week ago. we arranged to meet in the week to chat about it and he then made an excuse it was not a good time for me to go to his house as his parents were rowing. Hes now saying hes really busy this week and not sure when he at home. What can i txt him to make him realise this is important and he plays a big role in our decision about this baby. Surely he should just put his other commitments to one side this week. He then said cant he just ring me about it!!!. Im 17 hes 19. help i need a txt to both scare him and make him realise this is a huge thing!!!!! ..... Thanks




  1. He is avoiding you right now. He is scared and is trying to act like it isn't real. If he sits down and talks about it then he has to face the fact he is going to be a daddy. That is something most 19yr old boys don't want. threaten to tell his parents about the baby if he doesn't come talk to you soon.

  2. well one thing alot of girls really dont realize is that its just as hard on the guy as it is on the girl

    but just txt him sayin like this baby is as much urs as it is mine and it is half ur fault that im in this position, and i know its hard to realize but i need u now more than ever

    ur somethin like that

    good luck :) <3

  3. Unfortunately there is no way you can force him to accept his responibility. If I was you, I wouldn`t put any more pressure on him right now. I know it`s very hard but take a step back and give him time to get used to the thought of you having a baby. The more pressure you put on him now, the more he will back out. Wait a couple of days without contacting him, if he hasn`t made any moves by then, contact him again and suggest meeting at a neutral place where you can talk without getting disturbed by family or friends. Ask him what his plans are regarding the baby and you, try to stay calm and don`t get into an argument.

    Good luck!

  4. well it sounds like hes not trying to have any part in the baby's life, so just do what you want with the baby and forget him, it is a serious matter but if the only way he is willing to talk about it is over the phone then let him call you, at leeast you all will talk.. but as far as a text i dont know because i dont know you guy's situation. but i would just tell him how u feel and what you think

  5. Just tell him that if he wants any kind of decisions regarding this pregnancy or the child's life then you need to talk within the next few days.. give him a time frame.  Otherwise you are going to make these decisions on your own without him.

  6. Whether you're keeping the baby or not, you should txt this :

    I want to keep the baby... do you have an opinion about that?  I'm calling your parents tomorrow.

    That should scare him.

  7. It looks like you are on your own.

    Scaring him won't help.

  8. I'm sorry to tell you, but this is your thing - your decision. Your ex is probably beyond freaked out at the moment; give him some space. The best thing you can do is allow him to have a place in the baby's life if he wants, and handle it on your own if he doesn't. Hopefully he will come around, but your badgering him will only freak him out more.

  9. Well a child is a very big responsibility on both parts. You need to get in touch with him and tell him what is really going on and tell him you need his opinion on what to do because the child belongs to the both of you. So call him and arrange a meeting with him to discuss your futures. If he blows it off, show up at his house and make him here what you have to say.

  10. I think all you can do is offer him one chance and one chance only if he blows it tell him you have better support, love and nurturing off people around you and tell him you don't need him and thanx for being an ex for now you can meet someone who can treat you and HIS baby with the love and respect you both deserve.

    Just advice you don't have to take it, i would talk to friends and family first before you do anything, whats important setting things straight before he/she arrives.

  11. ur pregnat

  12. If you already told him you are pregnant then you are right he is being an ***. Tell him that he is a part of this and that he needs to step up to the plate and realize that you need to talk to him about it. He is probably trying to put it off because hes scared but you will need to tell him that his being scared is the least of your worries.

  13. hunny you have to decide weather you want the baby first and think off your choices when i told my bf he cryed told mi to get  rid that he was 2 young didnt wanna talk about it .i kept mi baby best thing i ever did i had beautiful boy but he the dad useless but has accepted hes here  if i was you id text him when you no weather you want baby or not and if you do tell him you keeping it he eithers suports you or youll do it with out mi and im doing it alone but just give your boyfriend time . hes be in shock if you ever wanna chat

  14. something like:

    im pregnant, its yours! this isnt gonna go away so we need to talk! if yr not gonna talk this over with me then im gonna just come round ur house and wait till u talk to me! thhhhhhhhhhhhhhint just my problem, it takes 2 u know!

  15. im 17 and my babys dad is 19 im 31weeks now and he dosnt care i told him that i would see him in court and that i would take him for all the money he has and that i will bring my baby up with or with out him now hes starting to play part of her life  

  16. Whatever decision you make you need to make it for yourself. He might not be there for you so you have to depend on yourself and those who are supporting you in your decision. If you decide to keep the child take him to court as soon as you can and get child support. You might have to do a DNA test but either way you need to make him pay for his child. If he doesnt want to be involved with the child thats fine but he helped make it he has to healp raise it at least financially. I got pregnant at 19 and am now almost 21. I know all about what your going through so if you have any questions or want to talk just shoot me a message on here, you can email me. BTW I kept my son and his father and I are still together, in case you were wondering.

  17. He will not come to you until, to be honest, he feels like it.  He isn't acting very maturely and I don't think I would want to raise a baby with a father like that.

    You need to call him, or even go to his house. This is a huge decision.

  18. He wont come around unless he wants to.  I learned this the hard way, my ex left me when I got pregnant.  We hadn't spoken at all until this week, and I'm now 7 months pregnant.  I had to make the decisions on my own, and it sounds like you are going to have to too.  It's not his body, he's clearly scared, and immature.  You can't force him to be involved, I'm sorry, I wouldn't want him involved if he's that big of a jerk to you.

  19. It seems like he doesn't want to take responsibility for this.  I wouldn't waste my time trying to scare him because that will only scare him even more and create more distance between the two of you.

    Have you talked to your parents about this?  They need to be involved so they can help you with this.

    Quite often in situations like this the guy will not take responsibility and will deny paternity.  If that should be the case you may have to involve the judicial system.

    I sincerely hope that he is not this kind of guy and will be there for you and your baby.

    You are correct in saying that this is a huge thing and you need to explore all of the options that are available to you and as i said before if at all possible you need to involve your parents.

  20. I don't think there is any way to make him respond in the way that you are wanting him to.  Unforunatly unless you see him face to face he is going to just avoid you and the situation.  

  21. Sorry but you're on your own with this one, he doesn't want to know. And to be honest if he isn't interested it's better for your baby if he's out of the picture from the start.

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