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I am very sad and frustrated with my life.Today, my last exam results of BSC 2nd Year wr given,but it is the worst for me---I couldnt pass. my bad luck.



Birthdate:- 06/03/1985

Birth Time:-07:15 PM


Earlier during my 12th exam results,my results were with held and marked as failed.There already I have lost 1 year.

And,i like a guy who is working as a engineer and we are to get married after my graduation next year -2009.We hv been facing a lot of problems.

**Already his family arent happy with our match because they said our horoscopes dont match.

***Also,in addition I couldnt pass.

Cld you all please hv a look at my birth details nd advise,Why is my luck so bad ,never got a little happiness and success in my life?

Please advise me any remedies and bless us so that we can get married.



DATE OF BIRTH:- 19/09/1979

TIME:-05.35 PM





  1. hope things get better....pray for assistance....youre a gemini...

    oh dear hes a virgo....thats not good with gemini

  2. Go to, sign up for free and you can fill in yours and his information.

  3. Contact Mr.Satish Sharma at :-


  4. Yours is a good horoscope.Lord of the 9th and 10th houses viz.Mercury and Venus are meeting in a quadrant although Mercury is in debelitation.Their presence in the 7th is an indication that you will get good and handsome partner in life.The lord of luck,the Venus,in this case, is is exalted in a quadrant indicating good luck.

    But there is a weak point also.Jupitor,the lord of the 4th house (prosprity-education) and of the 7th(marriage/love etc) is debilitated hence weak and causing some obstacles inthis respect.You can wear 4-5 gms of topaz(pukhraj) in a gold ring inyour fore finger as a remedy.

    As regard matching:- Janam rasi of both of you is one and the same i.e.Leo which is great asset as it overrules almost all doshas in this respect.Secondly you both earn plus 30 points(gunas) out of the total 36 gunas,an asset to cancel all doshas.

    In lagna horoscopes you both have no mangal(kuja)dosha as Mars in the 8th of your horoscope is in its own sign and cancelling the dosha.In Chandar-kundlis,you both have such dosha to some extent and thus cancelling each other's dosha and making it nil.

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