
Help!!! Very Urgent and Important Question?

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Can somebody tell me whats wrong with my computer???

I can be doing something on here and all of a sudden the screen goes black and the computer restarts itself? Can someone tell me what is going on or what I am doing wrong? How do I prevent this?




  1. Unfortunately it can be nearly everything causing a reboot, but in order of the most common faults I find are - faulty ram, faulty power supply (loose power plug is more common than you think - check the plugs aren't loose), bad drivers. After that motherboard, hard drive and any other hardware will also cause a reboot.

    I am afraid that is as much help I can be in text, you need to swap out any parts you can to see if that solves it, or give it to your friendly computer store.

  2. It is probably a virus so run a check on norton. If it doesn't say there is a virus then it is something wrong with the actual computer or the virus is good at hiding itself. Just get it checked at an I.T store.  

  3. my computer does this when i talk on skype for a long a time. it says some bad driver is causing it. sorry i can't help, just wondering if you have the same thing...

  4. oh c**p i think ur PC has a virus. make sure you have ur antivirus on or do a check.  

  5. it's possible that you have faulty hardware such as faulty ram. it would pay to download and run some computer diagnostics software just to do some hardware tests. just google computer diagnostics software...

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