
Help Virgin V+ box issues?

by  |  earlier

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Hi I have had the V+ box since july last year and i am paying a charge of £10 a month for it.

When it records sometimes it just fails although it hasnt clashed with anything else, other times it will record but when go to view it its dissappeared and no one has deleted it. Other times it records but seems to start early and so it cuts at least 5 minutes off the end of the programme.

I have complained to virgin who refunded me a few months charges £30 we were given and an engineer came out and replaced the box after i had been complaining for 6 months now they have suggested you can change the record times manually so i can request that a programme that ends at 8pm records to 8.03pm so it doesnt miss the end but if i have 2 things taping ending at that time i cant then record anything at 8pm, see why i am frustrated and Virgin wont allow me to cancel as i not had box 12 months even with these issues

Anyone else been here and what do you advise me to do?

Many thanks




  1. I would say that legally the equipment is not 'fit for purpose' and they have not fullfilled the agreement themselves. Threaten to take them to the small claims court. Read the advertisement for the box and if it isnt doing what it says then they are in breach of the agreement. IF THEY ARE HIDING BEHIND CONTRACTS USE IT AGAINST THEM. They know that they would lose in court but even if the call the bluff itd only cost £70 to get them there and you could claim everything back.

  2. We used to have the same problem and we refused to pay the bill and adventually they gaves us a credit for £90.00, just tell them you want a senior technician out otherwise you are going to cancel the whole lot with them

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