
Help! What's Wrong With My Kitten?!?

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Today my 3 month old male kitten has been going into the litter box constantly and stays in there for 2-3 minutes trying to go to the bathroom. I think he is straining to urinate. He has been pretty tired lately too. Within this hour he has tried to urinate about 10 times and maybe a couple of time there was just a little that came out. Do you think he has a bladder infection or something else? And is there any way to ease his pain until I can take him to the vet in the morning? Any help will be great! Thank you!




  1. Male cats sometimes have a blockage, possibly due to a stone, that prevents them from urinating. This is deadly and needs to treated as soon as possible. Waiting until tomorrow is dangerous.

  2. If you have an emergency pet hospital near where you live you should call and talk to a doctor there. If not then call your vet in the morning.

  3. Yeah, he might have a bladder or urinary tract infection. Or he might be constipated if there is no sign of #2 either.

  4. "Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) - An inflammation, irritation, and/or obstruction of the lower urinary tract. The inability to pass urine can become life threatening if not treated quickly. FLUTD is far more common among male cats than females. Symptoms include straining to urinate, blood in the urine, frequent trips to the litter box with only small amounts voided, or refusing to use the litter box. One of the most common symptoms of Feline Urinary Syndrome (FLUTD) is failure to use the litter box."

    I don't know of anything that you can do before you get to the vet but be sure to get the kitten there first thing in the morning.

  5. Please, take it from one with experience.....if your cat has done exactly what you wrote about above then get it to your vet (if you need to get him out of bed do so) or take the cat to an emergency clinic.

    If your MALE CAT is having trouble urinating and is lethargic it could have formed crystals in its urinary tract (urethra) that is blocking the flow of urine from being able to come out.

    This can be a deadly thing to your cat because if the baldder gets to full it can rupture and your cat can die.

    I know of what I speak because we went through a year of similar problems with our altered male DLH and believe me, even if your cat urinated a drop.....that still may not be enough and the sooner your vet can unblock him (if that is the case) then the better.

    Please get your cat to a vet asap and do not wait until morning.

  6. It MIGHT be a urinary tract infection, which is very dangerous to cats. Of course, I'm not an expert, so take him to your vet and get a professional's opinion. I wouldn't wait until morning, that's dangerous. I'm sure there's a 24-hour pet hotline to an animal hospital nearby, and maybe they can instruct you on how to look after him tonight. Also, if it is an emergency, I'm sure they can guide you to an emergency animal clinic. Please take action fast if you want to ensure your kitty's safety.

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