
Help! What's wrong with my kitten?! I think she's really sick

by Guest62094  |  earlier

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She was very quiet all morning, then she went out for a little while, came back in soaked through (it's been raining), we dried her off with a towel but she's been shivering ever since. Her eyes are a bit glassy and she cries every time we pick her up. I'm most worried about the fact that she has no interest in food or drink and hasn't been cleaning herself which she's usually meticulous about! It's a weekend so I can't get her to a vet and I'm worried there's something really wrong with her.

Does anyone know what might be wrong with her? Or what to do? Like I said, the vet is closed! Is there anything I can do for her at home? I'm so worried :(




  1. please telephone the vets, someone will be on call, you cant waite until monday.  

  2. Your cat needs veterinary attention ASAP - but you know that.

    Your vet MUST have either someone on call, or a referall to someone who is open. If you call them, either their answering service or machine will tell you what to do.

    In the mean time, get her temp rectally. It should be between 99-102.5 degrees F. If it is much lower, start by warming her up with a heating pad, throw some towels in the dryer, or microwave some rice in sock (or a beenie baby). THEN get her to a vet.

  3. the vet may be closed but unless you are in the back of the boonies, there will be an emergency clinic or a vet on call that you can contact. You will pay through the nose, but if you love your cat, get it to proper care now if not sooner - it does not sound at all good

  4. Hi there, most vets have an out of hour service for emergency's, so you should be able to contact them.  It does sound like your kitten could be poorly, however I am not a vet so cannot help with that area.  If you don't have a vet yet, maybe just call your local or recommended one and hopefully they should have an answerphone recording giving out an emergency number.

  5. Try and ring round all the local vets 1 should have an emergency number where the vet will come out to you, it may cost quite abit but its better to get her treated as quickly as possible then leave her.

    Good luck x

  6. Aww poor wee kitty! The vets are open at the weekends, where i am anyway, except its fr emergencys only! Thats you! Give them a phone, there will be someone there or they will call out a vet


  7. I have done a check on

    I searched for "vet advice cat shaking eyes" as my query (without the quote marks).

    I found the following:

    It has a list of things that might help you diagnose the problem.

    I also found:

    (there's a lot to go through there though)

    I also had a look for:  emergency vet

    in google

    I found:, and,

    I think your cat needs looking at by a vet as soon as possible.

    I hope your cat gets well.

  8. Your cat does sound like she is in pain and discomfort and unwell. Please take her to a vet and keep her indoors.

  9. There are emergency vets that are open 24/7. They are a bit pricey, but this sounds like an emergency. I'd get her to one of those immediately. She may have caught a cold. You really shouldn't let your cat outside. It's dangerous for a domesticated animal to be out alone. No matter how much she loves being out, it's very risky.

    I really recommend taking your cat to an emergency vet. You could save her life.

  10. she could of just got cold huni, my little madame does it all the time n shes a tough cookie

    just make sure shes warm n havin lots of cuddles!

    if she gets worse take to her emergancy vets!


  11. For goodness sake phone a vet in the area and take her to the emergency clinic.

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