
Help! What is a easy last minute cosplay idea??

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I need some quick,easy and NO sewing ideas for a cosplay outfit(btw I'm a girl) for the con. HELP!!!! (thx)




  1. At ur place there is no shop sell Yukata?

    Try Bleach!!

    Plz answer mine

  2. hmm get a short skirt a and try to get something thatlooks a little like this and die your hair in non-permanent blue colour and say you are a school girl from fullmetal panic ;)

    I hope you like the ideea good luck ... BTW im a girl too and i cosplayed it once i got 2 place at a convention ...  

  3. Dress like Gaz from invader zim. Get a short black dress, purple and black stripped tights, boots, and a grey and black stripped long sleeve undershirt. Oh, and a skull necklace.

  4. Misa from Death Note is pretty popular for last-minute cosplay.  Some clothes from Hot Topic, throw your hair in pigtails and haul around a notebook.

  5. Grab a plaid skirt and a blouse, and say you're any number of Japanese school girl heroines.

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