
Help!!!!! What kind of bird doesn't stink or isn't messy??

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My mom will let me get a bird but only a bird that doesn't stink much or isn't that messy. What kind of bird is both of those things and what kind of bird's cage is easy to clean? It has to be a medium or small sized bird. Please help me.




  1. A little parrotlet boy. Not too stinky , if good care is given, and some cage precautions are considered, he won't be too messy either. There are cages called Vision cages that have the bottom of the cage in plexiglass to catch the seeds and such you can use old newpaper on the pull out tray that you can change daily or when it begins to smell. You  can purchase seed holders with a guard, get bigger than you think because these cute companion birds are big eaters. Get a dustbuster for any mess on the floor around the cage. Clean his whole set up once a month and change the water daily, I change it twice to three times if it gets dirty.  Look up Pacific Parrotlets get one young handled/tame boy and you will have a little buddy.

    Noise wise they are pretty good compared to Lovebirds, Conures and other small parrots. Cockatiels powder smells to me and so does old cages that aren't being cared for,seed mixes that are left open can spoil and bring moths so put them in zip top bags or a plastic sealing container. Plus you can get a shallow bowl, or a tea saucer is good too and let him bath himself, that helps with the odors also.

  2. a toy makaw very clean and neat also known as hanns makaw

  3. Believe it or not, if you keep the cage clean, take the papers that have p**p on them out of the cage every day, clean all the toys up when they get soiled, etc, then the bird won't stink. As for it flinging food and stuff, you can attach a "skirt" to your cage to catch the food. You can buy the "skirt" at pet stores.

  4. All birds are messy! But seriously, I think a budgie would be best for you. It's small, adorable, easy to keep and the p**p is wee bit in size. But do realize that your bird  depends on you & you must take full responsibility for taking care of your bird. This includes keeping the cage clean. A simple tip. Roll up a no. of newspaper sheets cut to size & unroll inside the cage. This would be the "carpet". All you need to do is, remove one sheet a day by rolling it up & bringing it out. I don't know how old you are, but if it's difficult for you, may be you can request your mom to help you out. And one more thing. If you or your family cannot devote too much time, it's best you keep a pair of birds. They will keep each other company. You can also consider finches but I understand they are not tamable/trainable. Budgies are great that way. Go for a cage that is at least 24" long, 18" deep & 18" high.Good luck to you & your bird!

  5. Well, honestly it really matters of what you think actually smells. i work with numerous birds and reptiles and even own a small lovebird myself and i find that they virtually have no odor unlike many small mammals. The only downside is that some species especially cocketiels produce featherdust which sometimes can cause you lungs to become very sensitive. Honestly my top 3 choices for someone just getting into birds could be....




    They are all in the "small" category for companion birds and all are relatively clean animals. Though my lovebird will make a mess of his pellets and millet as well as his feathers thats are molted out.

    The best cage thats good for less cleaning is the largest one hopefully one that will accomodate flight. one that  has a pullout tray as well as possible a seed guard would be ideal and would keep messed to a minimum something like this would be ideal

  6. well i personally like cockatiels, they only need theor cage to be cleaned liek 1once within every  week. and they are not stinky the onyl bad thing about them is that they are loud   B(

  7. ok you may really want it but in the end they are just a hassel and desirve to live freely

    but as far as what kind get on without hair hahaha there are no birds that fit your discription they all stink even if you change there cage daily and they all throw there food all over and they constantly loss feathers its just not worth it trust me please

  8. All animals 'stink' and are 'messy.'  Even humans.  Birds require constant care and clean up.  If you are prepared for a minimum of 2 a day cage cleaning and feeding then any bird will fit your description.  Try a pair of parakeets or a pair of zebra finches.

  9. 0=stink


  10. All birds are messy you just have to pick up after them and keep their cages clean you you won't have the stink.

    I have 10 birds I have an African Grey, Cockatiels, Peach Front Conure, Sun Conure and Parakeets.

    I think my Cockatiels and my Peach Front Conure are the least messy. I think my Parakeets are the most messy.

    You might want to check out my forum

    It is a bird forum and you can ask others that have birds.

    Good luck

  11. well birds dont really stink lol   even i their p**p is pretty much odorless...and most small birds dont make a mess and their cages are easy to clean...budgies, cockatiels, lovebirds, some conures might be the best bet for you... check out for different kinds of birds

  12. Stuffed.

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