Me and my husband got married got married at a super young age. It's because I got pregnant. I was 18 and he 20. First months of our life together were generally good, but a little after that, we would start arguing way too much. It started off by him wanting to go out and I was too tired because I was pregnant and just wanted to sleep, so I would let him go, but then he would come back till' 1 in the morning all drunk like almost every day. I kept telling him how mad and unhappy that made me nut he just told me that it shouldn't matter because he's still young and needs to have fun and shouldn't suffer because I'm pregnant and he's not, we have different responsibilities. Then I just decided to stick it out through all this fighting and see how he'll act when the baby's here. So when our gorgeous baby was born he hasn't changed much. I mean we argue allot and stuff but by the end of the day would forgive each other because we were so in love. then one time our arguments got so bad that he got physical and hit me. I got so mad and called the cops on him. they put him in jail for couple hours and bla bla. well it turned good for him no charges or anything and we worked it out after all. Now our arguments are just as bad we would argue every other day and now eventually after a pretty big argument we had he totally changed his feelings for me. All of a sudden he's tired of all this drama and tired of me and doesn't wanna be with me anymore. No matter hOw much I’ve been begging him. I know we argue way too much and our marriage is a big big mess, but I love him with all of myself and really don’t want to lose him and separate our family. What should I do? Move on? Or how can I fix our marriage? And how can I make him fall in love with me again?