
Help.. What should I do???

by  |  earlier

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Yesterday I was at my gf birthday and I drank beer and sort of eat too much. My stomach were growling so I went to use the bathroom. After finish pooping, I forgot to flush the toilet because my gf kept on calling me to hurry out and come help her cut her birthday cake. Like 10 mins later, her little sister went into bathroom and saw my load and scream. Omg, I'm feeling so embarrassed now. This is the biggest mistake I made in my life. I think my lfe is over now that their families laughed at me. I don't think I have face to see her again. Help, what should I do?




  1. LOL.... Loosen up. Laugh with them.

    If there not upset let it go.

    They're human, they know its natural. Don't beat yourself up so much

  2. Why would you be embarrassed, not that big of a deal. Its not like they've never seen a c**p right?

  3. If this is the biggest mistake of your life, you are a very lucky human being. I would just laugh right along with them. Stuff like that has happened to everyone. I think the sister was rude for making a big deal of it especially to a guest in her home

  4. Laugh it off. You'll live and everyone will forget.

  5. U sick b*****d!  How in the h**l did u forget to flush the toilet?  I know u didnt forget to wipe ur *** right!!  If I was her i wouldnt want to talk to a nasty mo'foe like you ever again but if she choose to stick around a clown like u then you have nothing to worry about

    - Man'Swers ( A Man Answer! )

  6. I'm sorry but that's kinda funny lol

    I wouldn't worry to much about it because it will pass and I'm sure your gf understands... lay low for a few days then try to talk to her again but don't make it seem like your ignoring her

    I hope you find a way 2 laugh at it  

  7. wow there is bigger problems in life than taking a big c**p and forgeting to flush

    i'd love to see you get pulled over by a cop

  8. Hahahaha.

    You should've flushed.

    Offer therapy lessons for the girl.

  9. dont bring the topic up, act like it never happened, besides, it'll be a "laugh it off" moment eventually =]

  10. awww d**n bro, u really F'd up. We are taught as infants to flush and wash your hands...You did wash your hands before you played with the cake right

  11. lol, its no big deal, man i can't believe you are worrying about it so much that you have to post this on the internet , there are people with real problems! she's still with you isn't she? just laugh at the situation , its prob happened to more people than you realise.

  12. from next time dont get drunk and go to the

    though..happens to me all the time...evn though am sobre...

    so taking a big c**p n forgetting to flush is no big deal brotha...

    jus her little sister some chocs..n b xtra nice to her...

    she'd b fine in a few weeks.

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