
Help! What should I expect at my doctor appointment after a miscarriage?

by  |  earlier

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I actually had an appointment later on this week, but I rescheduled it for today so that my hubby could go with me. Anyway, what should I expect? I had an incomplete miscarriage 3 weeks ago at 8 weeks in my pregnancy. I had to undergo the D&C procedure. What will happen today at my appointment? I have my list of questions.

Will I get an ultrasound? Urine test? Blood test?




  1. I also had a d&c. the follow up I just got an exam because I had no more bleeding.. we just talked about when I can start trying again.. I'm so sorry for you , I know it's a terrible thing to go thru.

  2. I too am sorry for your loss.  Having a miscarriage is the most horrible experience.  I was fortunate, I did not require a D&C.  I went in for a follow up a week after the m/c began.  My doctor did a trans vaginal sonogram to make sure the uterus was clear.  He also checked my blood HCG levels, make sure they were declining.  They were already back to zero. (I had a blighted ovum)  He said we could try again as soon as I felt I was ready.  He is making me wait one full cycle before we start the Clomid again.  

  3. I'm so sorry for you, and your husband.  I know firsthand how much this hurts.

    After my miscarriages, my doctor did do an ultrasound to make sure that everything had passed.  Other than that, not much else happened, except that he is an amazing doctor, and he just sat and counseled us for a while.  You will probably discuss where to go from here, as far as conceiving again goes, if you choose to.

    They did not give me a urine or blood test.

    Good luck to you, sweetie.  My heart goes out to you.

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