
Help!!! What should i charge for babysitting? I think they used me :(?

by  |  earlier

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i baby sat for three kids 7, 5, and 1. i had to help the 7 yr old do his homework, feed the baby, help them all get into their pajamas, help the 5&7 yr old brush their teeth, and get them to go to sleep (no easy task, mind you). i babysat from 6:30 pm to 11:00 pm, and when they finally got home they gave me $55.

Is that too little? I thought so, but i wasn't sure so i didn't say anything...... What do you think is a good price if it is? Tell me what you think!




  1. Tell them that if you don''t get paid enough you will quit

    then go find another job

  2. wow i would have loved to be paid $10buck an hour when i babysit kids. One time i babysat two kids while their mum went to an all day scrap booking workshop and when she came home, she said she had discussed it with the ladies at the workshop and that they said $3 an hour was decent enough!!! That was for looking after two kids (age 4 and 2.5) for 8hours!! I didn't say anything, but needless to say i didn't go back......

  3. WOW! dats a big rip off i babysit one 2yr old  for 6 hours for 40$

  4. I pay my sitter 5.00 and hour per child....the fee is discussed up front with no hidden surprises

  5. That is your fault.  You should have set a fee up front.  You are old enough to know what a good rate is and to ask for it.

    To me, that sounds like a good deal of money for less than 5 hours.

  6. $55 for 4.5 hrs. Thats not bad. Thats close to 10 bucks and hr. Doing the things you did is part of babysitting. Sometimes there is more involved. Get used to it!

  7. I think you got enough to be honest with you pretty good deal if you put the fact that you get to watch tv and eat there

  8. It was good pay.  You are in your 30's old enough to be responsible, but unless one of the kids had a medical issue that you were expected to monitor or deal with, then the fact that you're a nurse shouldn't enter into it.  When I used to babysit (in my 30's) I watched 3 kids (one 7 yr old boy, 2 yr old boy and 3 yr old girl) and only got $9 per hour.  I don't think you're going to be able to get much better than what you got, but the question is, was it worth it to you?  I have turned down jobs in the past that paid outrageously well, but the kids were such hellions that no amount of money could have made it worth it.

  9. how much do u charge per hour?  i think thts wrth it. :)

  10. are u kidding me??

    i wouldn't have accepted that much money.

    if you are convinced its not enough, tell them

    how much you charge before they hire you

  11. No, it's not too little.  You were getting paid about $12/hour.  Many professional people in offices - receptionists, office clerks - don't make that much, and they do a lot more than watch 3 kids for 4.5 hrs.  Keep in mind minimum wage is $8/hour!

  12. That's good money for babysitting.

    But if you don't think so, then from now on, when someone calls about a job, let them know up front what you charge per hour and how much extra per child.

    Or if you already have regular customers, make up a flyer with your "new" prices and mail it to them.

  13. It depends on how old you are and where you live.  I think $12 an hour is great pay! It is more than I would have given you, but I live in a place that is low cost of living...

  14. u should get 70 dollors 4 that...

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