
Help! Whats wrong with me?

by Guest32060  |  earlier

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Since school started, I've started to act different and not in a good way. I'm ALWAYS tired, I'm never in a good mood, and I am cranky and whiny all the time. I don't drink and I'm definitely NOT pregnant. I literally want to fall asleep in class, and I make all A's but I'm struggling to keep it that way! Yet when I'm around my friends, I feel fine! What's wrong with me?!?!?




  1. Im no doctor however stress sounds predominantly prominent in this situation.

  2. could be your hormones acting up..

    or maybe your not getting enough sleep

    Or maybe you are just bored!

    Eat a good breakfast in the morning and hopefully it will help you to stay focused

  3. It seems like your just a little bit burnt out already from the work load of school. Try getting more sleep if you can and taking an iron supplement.  

  4. You must find a way to make class as fun as the time you spend with your friends.You are suffering from the focus it requires to pay attention in class.

  5. Your bored! eat a good breakfast and eat lunch and keep focused!

  6. Hormones?  Close to your period?  Lack of sleep?

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