
Help! Why are the leaves on my peace lily plant turning yellow?

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I have it sitting on top of my filing cabinet at work in the corner. I have two windows, so my office is very well lit during the day. It is so well lit that I don't even have to turn on the light on sunny days. Could it be getting too much sun??

The leaves have started turning yellow. More toward the base of the plant and some yellowing toward the top. Why are they turning yellow?? It's been doing so well up until now. Could I be adding too much water?? or maybe I should re pot it?? I could see some of the roots thru the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot.




  1. re pot it i think but try this site it has all the answers

  2. here are a few things to check,

    first look at the under sides of the leaves, is their any bugs or fungus on the new growth or old growth?

    is it under any airconditioning vents?

    is it very close to a window causeing it to get very hot? remember this plant was bought in september when temps were a bit cooler and now its summer.

    also check the soil. is their any fungus in the soil?

    if it checks clear for all then take the plant home. after that re pot. you should take your hose and rinse all the old soil off the roots just incase it is a fungus. then re pot in a new larger pot and new soil. make sure it drains well. then after re potting you can take it back to your office

  3. Sounds like you might be adding too much water.  I think you answered your own question.  Repotting it could help to.  Those peace lilies are pretty hardy.   Good luck.

  4. Repot

  5. Peace lilies have a good way of telling you when they are dry, they start to this happening often with your plant?  If so, you are stressing it, and this will cause yellow leaves....Are you watering it on a regular basis, without checking to see if the soil is already moist (and it never droops)?  If so, you may be overwatering it.  Did you fertilize it recently and maybe put too strong of a solution on it?  If so, it is burned and needs a good flushing.  How long has it been in this pot?  More than a year or two, and it may need a transplant, especially if you see roots coming out the bottom.  Bottom line it could be any number of things, only you know how it is being cared for.  I don't think too much light is the problem, especially if this is where it has always been.  

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