
Help: Why do I get so angry when I drink alcohol?

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I don't get it, when I drink I get so angry and rageful. I only drink like once in a blue moon. Its weird, because everyone tells me I am really calm and patient guy normally. But when I drink its a different. It sucks because I cant even enjoy that one time i drink. I would like be one of those happy drinkers




  1. Alcohol is a drug.  Like any drug it effects everyone differently.  Some just get messed up and stay happy.  Some are happy unless triggered to be angry.  Some are just angry from the start.  Some get depressed.

    You know how it effects you.  If its worth it for you to drink, go ahead.  If its not worth it, then dont.

  2. Stay away from the hard stuff... stick to beer.  I know that when someone my friends hit the rye they turn "Indian".  Excuse the racial slur, but the meaning comes from the fact that our native brother’s do not have the tolerance in their systems to adequately break down alcohol making them more susceptible to the affects of liquor.  

  3. It sounds like you can't drink. I know people that are the exact same way. Some people just react that way. I'm not sure anyone knows way.

  4. alcohol is a depressant. it can also heighten your self esteem and make you feel tougher than you are. I'm the same on alcohol, i get really gobby and end up starting fights! just watch how much you drink and you should be fine

  5. maybe you have RAGE under the surface. you know they say that you will get the truth from 'drunk people & children'. sounds like you need to stop drinking and maybe face some demons. ;-)

  6. You're a 'mean drunk'.  It affects some people that way.  Some people collapse in tears, others get angry, others get affectionate. I just get sleepy.

    I used to think that guys who get angry and belligerent when they drink were angry beneath the surface but managed to hide it most of the time, and when they drank it only removed their inhibitions.  But after knowing some of these guys and talking to them, I decided that wasn't true, it was just the way the alcohol affected their brains.  You can decide for yourself if it's true in your case, I'm guessing you woudln't say it was.

  7. Better to have a problem with alcohol than having problems without it.

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