
Help With Base Numbers?

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How can you change the Base 10 Number 17 to Base 4?

What are the place values in Base 4, Base 8, and Base 12.

And can somebody provide a good simple explanation of what base numbers are? Thanks! :)




  1. This is pretty short - you'll need to study it carefully

    and probably read more material and practice.

    We use base ten, so each place represents a power of 10.

    1234 = 1 x 10³ + 2 x 10² + 3 x 10¹ + 4 x 10º

    or 1 x 1000 + 2 x 100 + 3 x 10 + 4 x 1

    We use digits 0-9 (up to one less than the base).

    In other bases the same principle applies.

    In base 4, they are powers of 4 (right to left): 1, 4, 16, 64, 256, 1024, 4096, etc

    Digits are limited to 0-3. When you hit 4 or more, you go to the next digit.

    In base 8, powers of 8: 1, 8, 64, 512, 4096, etc and digits are 0-7.

    In base 12, the places are 1, 12, 144, 1728, 20736, etc

    Also, in base 12 we need two additional digits for 10 and 11.

    T and E are often used for that purpose.

    There are two ways to do conversions.


    Find the highest power (or multiple of a power), note that down,

    subtract and repeat.

    17 is too low to be a good example, so let's use 175.

    Highest power of 4 in 175 is 64 and there are 2 and a fraction of them.

    So we write down 2, note that 2 × 64 = 128, and subtract

    175 - 128 = 47

    Again there are 2 16's and a fraction (almost 3!),

    So we write down another 2, multiply by 16 to get 32,

    subtract and we are left with 15.

    This time there are 3 and a fraction 4's, so we write down a 3,

    multiply by 4 to get 12, subtract leaving 3, which is the last digit.

    And we have 2233 (base 4) = 2 x 64 + 2 x 16 + 3 x 4 + 3 x 1

    128 + 32 + 12 + 3.

    The other way is much simpler, it works in the opposite direction:

    Divide the number by 4, note the remainder, repeat using the quotient.

    175 div by 4 = 43 remainder 3 (which will be the last digit)

    43 div by 4 = 10 remainder 3 (next to last digit)

    10 div by 4 = 2 remainder 2 (next digit)

    2 div by 4 = 0 remainder 2 (front-most digit)

    Number is 2233 (taking the digits in reverse order of generation).

    17 in base 4 is 16 + 1 = 101 base 4.

    Using the second method:

    17 / 4 = 4 remainder 1

    4 divide by 4 = 1 remainder 0

    1 divide by 4 = 0 remainder 1

    Going from bottom up: 101

    Here's one more:

    110 base 10 into base 4:

    Using powers method:

    110 between 64 and 256, so note 1 x 64,

    leaving 46

    46 between 16 and 64, so note 2 x 16

    leaving 14

    14 between 4 and 16, so note 3 x 4

    leaving 2

    2 between 1 and 4, so note 2 x 1

    leaving 0

    Number is 1232

    Using remainder method:

    110 div by 4 = 27 remainder 2

    27 div by 4 = 6 remainder 3

    6 div by 4 = 1 remainder 2

    1 div by 4 = 0 remainder 1

    Number is 1232

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