
Help With College Money?

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I am 14 and I have found out that my parents have saved no money to help me start college. And I will be stating High school this year and I need find a way to get money. I was born outside of the U.S but I have gained citizen ship.

Is there a way to get money fast?

*I am not 16 yet so I can't exactly work.

* Love to act and I was thinking maybe something like that.

Some one tell me about student loans? (requirements etc.)

I really want to get a good education to hold my self up. Thanks




  1. First off, there are tons of options for financial aid. Actually, the more money you have saved, the less you get from colleges.

    The most important thing is to maintain good grades. Try lots of extracurriculars, like joining theater program, maybe? : )

    You will get financial aid from your school, first based on need, then by what you did in school (grades, test scores, activities, etc)

    If you get an over the table job, you have to report income to your school, so get a job like baby sitting or mowing lawns.

    Loans are a last resort. First, take all the loans your school offers as you need them. Take subsidized loans first (no interest until you finish school)

    Don't worry, you have lots of time to save up!

  2. you will file for a FAFSA, it's federal money, or free money for college. they will decide how much you get based on your parents income and such.

    there are also private loans and student loans. you can apply for scholarships. There are tests you take in high school that will give you money in the form of a scholarship if you get high marks. you have 4 years to worry about college and getting the money for it. i wouldn't worry too much about it. i need 50gs for school and my parents saved nothing, and my mother just bought a $1,000 computer when her system was sweet in the first place, instead of helping me out. just proves the selfishness these days.

  3. I agree with everybody above me. My parents never saved money for my college education, & I'm still managing to go to a good university which costs $25,000 a year. Definitely apply for FAFSA & there's always student loans. There's TONS of scholarships available, you just have to do your part and look. If you don't have money saved, or your parents don't make too much, you'll get a lot of offers from school for student loans and scholarships. Most colleges undestand that a college education is EXPENSIVE, and its hard for everyone to pay from their wallet, they're willing to help as much as they can. Just stay focused on your grades and once the time comes, there's ALWAYS a way. =) Good luck!

  4. i'm pretty sure you could apply for finacial aid and possibly get soem grants depending on how much money your parents make.

  5. Get good grades and you'll get good scholarships. Saving up is never a bad idea, but don't rush into it. As long as you do your homework and join a club or two, don't stress out.

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