I play an online game called Conquer Online. You may purchase items called Dragonballs which have multiple uses, the rate is 2 for $8.00 USD.
The economy in the game is based somewhat on the price of these, the more there are, the cheaper they are, and the cheaper everything else costs. On one server, they cost 35,000,000 each and thus everything else is costly, cash wise, but always proportionate to the amount of Dragonballs. On another server (my server) they cost 15,000,000 each. Both servers are scheduled to merge in 30 days, there is going to be a huge economical change, and I know there is a way to profit from this. Any Ideas would be appriciated. I have a more descriptive hypothetical scenario typed out in another question. This is the link http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080822031331AA6VkN2 Any advice at all would be appriciated.
*Other Information*
I have the cash to buy a lot of these Dragonballs on my server. Both servers are aware of the merge.