
Help With Jury Duty!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I am emotionally unstable right now cause of some issues and I got jury duty tomorrow! Could I honestly get out of this?

Thank's A Mom




  1. go in jeans and a t shirt. if you look unprofessional you are less likely to be picked.they have large groups of people they call in at one time so chances are that you might not be picked. another tip is act hostile towards any questions posed to you for example if the defense asks you how you feel about something answer exactly the opposite of what you think they want to hear do same for prosecution

  2. Odds are you won't be selected but unless you have a note from a doctor or medical records that prove you are too stressed out to serve on a jury no judge will excuse you from duty. Try another reason.

    I was excused because I was going on a vacation that my wife and I had already booked and paid for. Try that.

  3. I know that in NYC they give only one postponement.  

  4. prolly not

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