
Help With Luna Park?????

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I'm Turning 12 September 30 And Would Like To Go To Luna Park.

The Closest Park To My Home Town Is Saint Kilda And I Have Checked The Website And Am Ready For Some Thrills But I Have Some Important Questions.

1. Does The Ghost Train Have Alot Of Sudden Frights Or Things Touching You?

2. My Appendix Burst June 22nd Can I Still Ride? P.S I Was Very Sick After That.

3.What Is The Metropilis Ride Like?

4.Is The Enterprise Ride Horrific?

5.How High Does The Spider Go?

6. What Does The G-Force Do?

7.How High Does Shock Drop Go?

8.Is The Scenic Scary?





  1. omg     i live in tx and i have no idea what u r talking about  

  2. I thought The Ghost Train was awesome!! Yes, the ride does have a lot of sudden frights. Once the train moves slow through the dark tunnel, you hear scary music and sound affects playing during the ride. Once the train passes by, a lot of scary models will be moved like a monster sometimes jump out in front of the riders (that usually gives them some screams), a ghost may fly by you, a skeleton will jump up from their coffins and so much more.

    I’m not sure if you can or can not ride if you had your appendix burst. You might!

    I only gone on The Metropilis once but all I remember is that it’s one of the fastest rides there. The speed of it is so fast that it will make you want to wave your hands up and scream! Lol it did to me.

    To me, The Enterprise Ride is horrific!! The ride spins people and moves very violently into a circle very fast!! It’s quite scary!

    The Spider ride is pretty high ( I forgot how high though) and the thrill of being spun around from side to side in a awesome speed can get people really nauseous but it’s really fun!

    All the G-force is going to do is left you and spin you around so fast. It’s pretty fun!

    The thrilling Shock Drop ride goes up more than few meters and drops you kind of fast. It’s a kiddies ride.

    The Scenic Rallway is not that scary. Unless you like rollercoasters, you’ll really like this ride! I think it dips and turns a lot but other than that, it’s a load of fun!!

    You'll have so much fun there and I really hope you do!! : )

  3. you dont need to know everything about the park, in fact knowing it takes some of the fun away! Just go! HAVE FUN!! And take a risk by going on the ghost train, and ask the peeople who work there about ur appendix, though i doubt it'll be a prob, but ask anyway.

  4. i am very sorry, but i do not know what you are talking about. sorry again, but have fun there! it sounds soooo fun!

  5. 1 no

    2 ask doctor but most rides would be ok maybe stay of the roller coaster

    3 its great

    4 not really

    5 im not sure but its high

    6 holds you in place

    7 not as high as the spider

    8 lol no its slow a little boring

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