
Help With My Axel??

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I need help with my axel. I just learned it a couple of days ago and i am really scared with it. Should i practice going in to it my standing still or moving?? Please help! Thanks :P x




  1. it depends on you if you want to do it standing or moving. i personaly like it movinging because it gives you mor air and height, so ya. and just make sure you snap into it fast, and pull in. just picture yourself doing it and you will have it mastered in no time. good luck, have fun ♥

  2. Your never going to get it if your scared. Just go for it!

  3. *Try it from a side-toe step first.

    (If you don't know what that is ask a coach. It is also sometimes called a mazurka.)

    This will give you a little speed.

    You should not start with cross-overs it may through you off-balance.

    * Do NOT be scared. You will never get it that way.

    I was fully rotated for 2 years and din't get it because I would put my foot down........because I was scared.!

    I understand you cannot help being scared but you need to not hold back and just go for it.

    * Practice them Off-ice.

    *Make sure you step through all the way before rotating.

    *Stay straight in the air.

    *Point your toes

    *Stay in until your toick hits the ice.

    I hope this helps. :]

  4. you have to be moving otherwise you won't have enough speed and then you won't be able to get the full 1 1/2 rotations in. You have to be confident in yourself. Tell yourself that you can do it!!!!

  5. i would land it staying still first before i tried doing it moving because it is easier standing still (for me anywayz) if you can do it from a standstill first you would be better off and practice alot of walts back spins and waltz jump loops that will help...just dont be afraid to jump dont think about falling at all then you wont

  6. Well i learned mine by standing. My coach taught me to do a tap toe into it. I thought it was easier this way. Once i got the hang of it from standstill then i started moving really slowly. Then I got better and better intill i could get it by moving regular speed.

    I hope this helps!

  7. I started mine from stand still, until ai had more confidence gradually i put more speed going into. Also heaps of off ice work is kind of vital. If you cant do it off ice, you cant expect to be able to do it on ice.

  8. Of course moving! If u just stand still then you'll have more chance to fall down. Well go on two feet landing at first then when you can do it, go on the actual landing... Don't you have the umm.. Thingy that can pull you (it looks like a fishing pole).. So you'll use something on your body then it will be connected with a pole/ cable then your coach will pull it so you can jump...

    Gd luck!
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