
Help With My Infants Teeth?

by Guest56764  |  earlier

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My 6 month old baby just cut his first tooth, it looks like it is rotten. Can The Babys Gums Be Rotten and Not The Tooth. I dont give him a proped bottle. why is it like that? it is like a brown color. what can i do for my son.:( i feel terrible!!




  1. the tooth will root out dont worry about it  

  2. You baby's gum might be "rotten" but that is highly unlikely.  More then likely they are inflamed with the eruption of a new tooth, watch it for a few weeks and if it does not get better then seek out the help of a pediatrician.

  3. Is the tooth brown or the gums? If it is the gums it is probably just inflammed from the tooth coming through. Wait a few days and if it stays the same or gets worse take him to the Dr. If it is the tooth you need to take him in to the Dr. right away. Teeth CAN rot before erupting from milk sitting on the gums all night (not wiping the gums after feedings) but it is rare. Antibiotics and some other prescription drugs can also stain baby teeth.

  4. go and see a dentist could be that the nerve of the tooth has died .

  5. i would go see a dentist about it.

  6. TALK TO YOUR PEDIATRICIAN OR ..... um dentist about this many children have this happen to them  

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