
Help With My Job!!!???

by  |  earlier

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I'm in college right now, I want to work at Target or GameStop, but I don't have my High school diploma!!! Can I work at Target or GameStop, yes or not??????





  1. Well I'm assuming since you got into college, you have to have your GED right? As long as you have that, you then meet the minimum requirements for working in the United States.  

  2. In my state, California, you can take community college courses when you are 18 without a high school diploma.  Nevertheless, if you were here, I would recommend either taking the GED exam or asking your college counselor if some of the classes you have taken can do double duty in geting a HS diploma.

  3. The job specs will answer this for you but you're probably fine. I don't see rocket scientists at the checkout when I go to Target. Now for management, they'll expect a degree.  
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