
Help With Some Serious Motivation Problems?

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I have to do three projects in a span of three days. One big project and two average sized ones. For each one I need to read a book so, three books. I do not want to do these, at all. But I know I have to. What do you do for motivation when you just can't face a boring book about climbing Everest? Motivation techniques?




  1. That sounds a lot like what I go through all the time.  Nothing can really motivate me until I absolutely HAVE to get something done.  Just really think about the seriousness of the situation and about the fact that you don't have any time left.  That works for me sometimes.  It also helps a lot for me to stay up late and work because I work better under pressure.   I hope this helped, Sarah Jane :D

  2. I often feel like this.   But I also find that I work better under presure.   Think of it as a test against the clock, and you do well and it could bring your grades up, better future, etc.

  3. It sounds like you waited until the last minute, even the toughest teachers don't expect you to read a whole book in 3 days.  For motivation just think of homework like money. The higher the grades the better education you get and the richer you are when you graduate. Good Luck.

  4. There are people who will read it for you, and provide a good synopsis, for money. Ask in student's gathering places.

    If fairly suggestible, try

    Check out section 28, on motivation, at

    Repeat: "Do you want fries with that?".  

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