
Help With a Spirit?

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Okay so for the past few days, I've seen this "spirit" you could say. I feel like I've known her forever. Her skin is like black glass, and she is tall and thin. She sits opposite the hall at night, perched on the washing machine, and watches me as I sleep. She wears a white, silky looking dress and a dark colored bandana on her head. She always sits with her legs crossed, and her fingers locked, around her knee. She has a very optimistic presence. Can anyone help me? Have you had similar experiences with a similar spirit? Or do you know what she wants? Is it possible that she is my guardian angel? Oh, and I get a strong feeling her name is Hilary.




  1. You had me until the Hillary part. She is only your guardian angel if her name is Billary.  Have you looked for Bill under your bed or in your closet?

    But, seriously, I would try to talk to this reappearing manifestation and if I feel safe and cannot communicate then I would sleep through the night - sleeping pills if necessary.

  2. How do you know she's there if you're asleep?  When you answer that question I think you'll be a little bit closer to understanding what this thing is.

    The optimistic feeling you experience is your subjective interpretation of the idea of someone watching over you.

  3. Well if you truly get a positive feeling from her that usually means she is good.  And she wouldn't scare you.  If she was bad in anyway you would know.  Next time you see her, ask her why she is there.  I hope you find your answer.

  4. well alex this could be a guardian angle. most spirits as you would say are stuck on earth and haven't made there way to heaven or i dont know what you religion is. what you could do to help you get a better idea on this women you have been seeing is maybe do some research on your house. See who lived there.

  5. She could be a guide, a deceased relative, or just a spirit in the home or one that has attached herself to you.  If you feel a kinship with the spirit, then I would say family member or guide.

    Are you normally sensitive to spirits around you?

    What type of help are you looking for?  When you sense her there, talk to her.  Ask for a specific sign in answer to a question.  If she is around you that much, she may interact with you.

  6. Obama is better!

  7. call ghostbusters!

  8. It's very rare to see spirits that vividly and that often.You could possibly be a medium,if you are,that would explain why she's hanging around so much.She could very well be your spirit guide.

    I've had many paranormal experiences,I once saw a lady in a white dress staring in my face and then she walked through the wall.In December 2007,there was a dark figure standing over me while I was sleeping.My entire family has experienced the paranormal.Perhaps you could have another psychic come in and do a reading and see if her name is really Hilary.

  9. I find it hard to believe that you know she watches you as you sleep... how do you know this?... You are sleeping? If She truly were a energy source she would be more fleeting and not so permanent. It seems that You may be suffering from some visual delusions. Or dreaming...

  10. The answer is really quite simple.  You must tell her very matter-of-factly that it is time to move on.  Spirits get stuck on this plane for a variety of reasons, this one seems to not know it's time to leave.  Simply tell her directly.  If that doesn't work, invoke the name of Jesus, that usually works.

  11. she is a demon, pray and plead the blood of Jesus over your life and the demon will flee. ...

  12. Wow what a wonderful experience that is for you. Why don't you ask her why she is "here" I think in all honesty this is your guardian angel. Why don't you ask her if her name is Hilary, she will tell you one way or another, please let us know the outcome of your experience... I wish you peace.

  13. My guess is that you are not fully waking up. When this happens we have hallucinations which tend to be subject to what we expect to see. Most people see a person, and the majority of these experiences are negative, so count your blessings.

    Look up hypnogogic and hypnopompic hallucinations.

  14. I'm sorry to break it to you but "spirits" aren't real......they're just demons who can make them look like people so advice pray and tell that "spirit" to flee in the name of Jesus :)

  15. could be as scary as it is ask her

  16. Hilary could be the name you get, the meaning of the name is cheerful, happy - could be that she is pleased with you. Her position sitting down is very poised and respectful and refined meaning she was brought up in a proper environment. She could be an ancestor or as you might have though your guardian spirit. Resarch the place you live in, and your family history and see if that person pops up in an old photograph or news clipping.

  17. i had a ghost in my old house. she would walk up and down the hallway when me and my sister would sleep. maybe ask some neighbors if they ever heard that your house was haunted?

  18. For starters have you had any kind of tarot readings or used a Oujia board recently? If not I do believe there are human spirts and inhuman spirts that sometimes choose to show themselves. Have you heard any knocking on the wall or any different smells in your house? I am not a freak, so as you know I am a Registered Nurse and I have a similar experiences. If it is truly a human spirt and you feel like it is a positive feeling then she probably lived where you are living and doesnt know shes dead. If it is inhuman, demonic then you will know because you will start feeling a negative force. One way to tell is in an inhuman  haunting, because demons cannot fully transform as human is she from head to foot, or does she just kind of cut off at the waist or legs?

  19. Something that is good would not typically reveal itself to you on a daily basis.  It wouldn't need your validation, if it was there purely there for protection.  

    Sometimes bad spirits reveal themselves as a non-threatening entity in order to gain your trust.  It may be trying to get your trust.  Hence it may not be good.  I don't know.

    Depending on your belief system, I would pray and ask the Lord to make this spirit go away.  Once you say that prayer, it will have to submit to God's authority, in the name of Jesus.  

    I've had to do this several times (with different spirits) and Jesus is the only name that works.

  20. It sounds like it could be your spirit guide/guardian angel. With you feeling like you have known her forever, and the optisimistic presence. Try and talk to her. She may not answer you, but you may get something! Very interesting, and if you do make communitcation, email me so I can stay posted! Thanks for sharing sweetie!

  21. If you're asleep while she watches you, how do you know about her?

  22. I think she is looking after you.  Be happy she is there.

  23. Just do not vote for her...

  24. She could be your spirit guide, a realitive or someone just watching over you. If you have fine dust all over your house or your room and it keeps coming back she is a sait watching over you. If you do not feel like she is a bad presence try talking to her. I know you might feel dumb at first but most likely she is hanging around to watch over you or there is something she needs to tell you.

  25. try to talk to her...or look through old family photos to see if there is anyone who looks like her...maybe she lived in the house before some research on youe home and local history..that may lead to finding out who she is..good luck!

  26. WOW!  That is awesome, and you say she has an "optimistic" presence?  If I were you I would try to talk to her.  I would ask her why she is there, and how she knows you.  See if you can get her to talk to you.  And then tell us what happens!!!  This is fascinating!!

  27. Stop eating whatever you eat before bed.

  28. I can help you. If you see Hilary again, get up at night and walk over to her. As you do, you'll very likely find out that you were looking at an optical illusion in the dark. Problem solved :)

  29. She looks like an Irish Banshee, that's not right, but if she watches your sleep it is probably one of those spirits that guard the people of the house, still she needs to move on, try to talk to her and find out what she wants, if it is one of those spirits that disappear when you wanna talk to them then contact your church leader and have your house blessed.

  30. If this isn't your imagination, look for signs of why.

  31. read it the bible. itll go to the light.
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