
Help With the Terrain Park!?

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I'm just beginning to start to go to the park. But i need help with hitting that rails and jumps is there any advice for helping my balance on the rails or help getting air? Help on gettting HIGH ollieing to please.

I ride a Burton Clash 151

I need this Info. By tonight!




  1. the only thing i have to add is take it slow, dont try to do too much in one day. most importantly, have confidence, if your going into a rail without confidence, you are probably going to hurt yourself.

    ps nice board, ive got one myself. good board for the price, but take care of the bottom, i have to take mine to a shop to fill some gouges because i was being stupid on a rail.

  2. pop when you jump to get more air an on a down rail lean foward but on a flat on stay centered

  3. My biggest advice is to start small.  The last thing you want to do is try something that you are uncomfortable with or incapable of and get a serious injury.  I know many people that have done that and never go back to the terrain park.  Most resorts that offer a terrain park also offer a "progressive" or "beginner" park, start with those.  For rails, begin by finding a fun-box that has a ramp leading up to it.  If there is a gap between the ramp and the feature, you should probably avoid it at first.  First work on doing 50-50's which means you just ride straight onto it.  As you get comfortable, try to slowly turn your board so that you are facing down the hill on the box (this is called boardslid).  You will have a tendency to lift your heels while doing this, but really concentrate on keeping the board flat to the feature.  As you feel more comfortable with the box, try a small rail, and progress as you feel necessary.  On jumps, take off and you can jump a little off the lip if you'd like, try to land on the tail of your board first to help absorb impact.  Getting high on olleys can be done by jumping off the tail of your board, that way the boards natural camber will help boost you up along with your leg muscles.

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