
Help! Worst places to go in Ireland? I hear the north is really bad.?

by Guest64532  |  earlier

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My fiance and I are planning our honeymoon to Ireland and know there is a lot of violence(religous) in certain parts. What places should we not go to so that we can have a FUN and SAFE time?




  1. We went to Shannon and then drove to Dublin and then down and back to Shanno.  The country is beautiful but the people are more beautiful.  They love Americans and are the friendliest, most hospitable people we found anywhere in the world.  I don't know much about Northern Ireland.  They haven't been in the news for violence in a long time so maybe that has cooled down.  Belfast is the northern area that was in unrest.  

    If you go to Ireland, I suggest you check out the local pubs for food and good times.  Do the City Pass tour in Dublin.  You pay one price then get on and off the bus any number of times.  It hits all the high spots for tourism.  Well worth the price. Good luck and have a ball.  The Ring of Kerry tour was the most wonderful trip, too.  Can you tell we loved it?  Best wishes to you both

  2. Most Irish have never even been in the North (which isn't really violent at all).

    The North has no influence on Southern politics, let alone our lives.

    But I can see where your coming from (from history).

    But seriously, I am not just saying this because I'm Irish, Southerners DON'T care about the North.

    Also reigion has no influence among us - only old people go to church! We are also becoming VERY multicultural and Ireland is very wealthy.

    To answer your question, you can go anywhere in Ireland. For a quite countryside wedding near historic scenery I would reccomend anywhere really (except urban Dublin).

    But really, you can go anywhere in Ireland for your wedding.

    Anyway, good luck with your new man! I give my best wishes!

  3. Both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland are safe. Your information is about 10 year behind the times. Ok, it's true. You probably don't want to go wandering around Ardoyne when the Orangemen are marching which they occasionally do, but even then there isn't trouble these days.

    Both the Republic and Northern Ireland are beautiful and the Irish are great, if slightly crazy (but in a good way).

  4. DONT go to Cork, it's awful (no offense anyone, but i just really dont like it there). Nice places to go to are Dublin, Kerry, Wexford area.

    Enjoy ur honeymoon!

  5. LOL Slartibar:  Here Here!!

    Go to the canary Islands, they are also bad but not as bad as the North Pole!! Good luck!!!

  6. the north isnt too bad anymore-it kinda depends when you're going. they have the orange parade around August and there's usually some trouble then because of religious differences. anyway northern Ireland is part of Great Britain so if you want to go to Ireland for your honeymoon you have to go to the republic/southern Ireland. I've never been but I'd avoid Limerick. apparently the press make it out to be worse than it really is and most people in Limerick are lovely but you can't ignore all the statistics-its known as 'stab city' for a reason...the west is considered 'proper' Ireland and its very scenic and that but its also very cold, wet and isolated. I'd recommend the sunny south east for your honeymoon-waterford, wexford, carlow or kilkenny. great places with plenty to do and they're all less than 2 hours from Dublin. congrats on your wedding and enjoy your honeymoon :D

  7. I think that Northern Ireland (aside from inner-city Belfast and Derry, and parts of Antrm and Ballymena) are actually safer than the South.  I noticed that when prices started to inflate (after the intro of the euro), there was more petty crime in Dublin and Limerick.  There are more beggars and pick-pockets in Dublin than in Belfast.  I know MANY people who were pick-pocketed in Dublin.

    I think Northern Ireland and rural Southern Ireland (Killarney, Kilkenny, Wicklow) would be ideal places to visit.  It is so beautiful, prices are lower, and the people are very friendly.

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