
Help a girl out....! and answer my question!?

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Study abraod....When I go to college in a year. I want to do a foreign exchange. I have always wanted to travel the world. It's been my dream! I am from the U.S. and I want to know if you could go to a country like Italy or Greece and not know how to speak the language? I am not in any language classes because varies reasons. I learning a language is harder for me then others. I also want to know if you have done a foreign exchange if you enjoyed it and were glad you did it? If you went to a country that their first language was not English was it tough? Does it cost just as much studying abroad then going to a state college?




  1. I was lucky enough to get to study abroad twice when I was in college, and I wouldn't trade those times for anything.  The things I learned were priceless and have helped me sooooo much since I graduated.  It costs about the same as a semester at a State school in the US, plus the cost of a plane ticket and a passport and any visas you may need.

    However, if you are going somewhere where the common language isn't English, you will NEED at least a basic knowledge of the spoken language there.  You can't count on everyone speaking English because they won't, especially if you're in a smaller town.  Remember, you're the visitor.  If you don't know the language at all, you won't be able to ride in a taxi, order in a restaurant, ask where the bathroom is, ask for help in a you may come off as rude if you go about your day not speaking to anyone.  You don't need to be fluent, but you do need to be able to communicate.  If you start out knowing the basics, you WILL pick up more of the language the longer you stay.  It gets easier the more you are exposed to it.

    If it's really impossible for you to learn another language, why not go somewhere where they do speak English, like anywhere in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, etc...There are lots of places and you would still learn just as much.  

    All that said, I highly reccommend studying abroad.  You can learn so much - about another place's customs and culture, their language, their people, and yourself.  You'll make friends and it will be fun to keep in touch with them after you come back home.  It's a great adventure and an invaluable experience.

    Good luck and I hope you get to go!

  2. if i were u i would start to study other languages it would be better on you with communicating with others

  3. Travel is over-rated in my opinion. I was born in London, was taken by my parents to Australia when I was young, and returned 14 years ago.

    I haven't left the country since and have no intention of doing so. Be happy where you are - going to another place can't make you happy if you aren't already a happy person.

  4. i went to germany and i am english.. my german was poor but it was brilliant and it REALY helps to learn the language... :D

  5. I've never had to do a foreign exchange, but I moved to Germany and went to and Army school. Over here they have International schools where they speak English and all sorts of languages. These are the best areas to get the broad aspect of Europe and learn the languages.

    You could learn the hard way to go to a school where all they speak is their native language, you'd learn it faster, but it's bad at making friends.

    Although the touristy areas speak English, you can travel and not learn the language, but school? Good Luck.

    Email me if you have more questions.

  6. Many people go to a foreign country specifically to learn a language, so I wouldn't worry about not being able to speak it before you get there.

    My roommate participated in foreign exchange. She went to Italy and loved it so much she stayed there for 2 years after the program was over! LOL  She spoke very limited Italian, but by the time the two years were over, she was fluent. She said you pick up the language very quickly if you are completely submerged in it.

    I am not sure of the price, but I am sure it is not cheap. Most colleges have Study Abroad offices. You should contact the one at the college you will attend. They will be able to tell you about the countries you can study in and how much it costs.

    Good luck!

  7. Well learning the local language does help. I've been to dubai & luckily most of the students over there used to communicate in english.But i've learned Arabic from my dabai friends & it's fun

  8. i would go for Greece..

    I think that Greece has more food and belongs than Italy.

    Greek (at least Athenian) women were not citizens; Roman women were. Both societies were also divided according to wealth.

    Dealing with Athens, according to the literature, women were valued for not gossiping, for managing the household, and, most of all, for producing legitimate children. The aristocratic woman was secluded in the women's quarter and had to be accompanied in public places. She could own, but not sell property. The Athenian woman was subject to her father, and even after marriage, he could ask for her return. She was not a citizen.

    The Roman woman was subject to the paterfamilias, whether the dominant male in her household of birth or the household of her husband. She could own and dispose of property and go about as she wished. From epigraphy, we read that a Roman woman was valued for piety, modesty, maintenance of harmony, and being a one-man woman. She could be a Roman citizen.

    6 minutes ago - Edit - Delete


    i'll go for Greece.. u wont even regret it . the language is easier than italiano

  9. I can relate only to some parts of your questions. First of all, I'm a foreign student. I'm from southeast Asia but I went to U.S. to finish my high school and came to Malaysia to finish my undergrad. Here they don't speak English well so I find it a bit hard, but you can always communicate through gestures. I have visited several countries and to be honest their are both pros and cons. If you love to know about different culture and experience its true essence, I say go for it. On the other hand, be aware of the myths and things that people may find offended but may be a usual thing for you to do back home. Studying abroad costs more than studying at a state college. But then again if you have the financial back up and you are ready to have some adventure in your life, please take the chance to do it. You won't regret because even if your trip includes some bad stuff, it will remain as a significant memory in your life.

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