
Help a girl out?

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what should i do to have a great first day at my new highschool? i won't konw anybody. what's the procedure for lunch, in the classroom, what can i do?




  1. i'm in the same boat as you, i'm starting a new h.s as a sophomore. the best thing you can do is try to talk to someone who looks friendly in one of your classes, chances are that person would help you out. but don't try to push in with conversations with like a ton of girls who know each other forever,chances are they won't be as inviting as someone whos sitting alone and looks nice and friendly[[i learned that the hard way]]. or if you have a myspace you can add your school and most likely people who go there will start adding you, and it worked for me

  2. 1) Get to know people. Just be confident and talk to everyone around you, they're in the same boat.

    2) Ask teachers for help. If you want to know something then ask them, but i wouldn't worry too much about lunch procedures no-one else will know that either

    3) Explore. High school's are big places get to know your surroundings

    4) Don't worry!!!! I know it feels scary at first believe me, but after a few weeks you'll feel like you own the place!!
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