
Help a lil depressed :(?

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So i kinda of feel like my lifes a let down and stuff. I mean I see all these TV shows and movies with teens in it, having good times and stuff. (Shows like the OC and one tree hill) I know that there very unrealistic...but i like it so much that i want to be my life. But it i feel my life is a letdown! :( What do you think i should do?




  1. Hey!

    1-Well it's not wrong watching them but you get so attached to it! I mean it's all about others' lives that we like to watch but you can control how you feel about those shows.

    2- Try to think more about " I wanna have fun" " I wanna leave my house"

    3- Unplug your tv for a while and stay out with friends

    Also those small tips might help -they help you have fun more-

    - If you have a pet, go out with it to the park and have fun with it

    -Spending time outside playing sport can keep you fit and also give you time to spend with family, friends or neighbours.

    -Making funny videos is also fun.  LoL

    -Invent a new game you can play with your family or friends

    -Don't do drugs or other reckless things - these are bad for you

    Please be more optimistic about life, if it was tough now it will get better later! Those shows are amazing! I WATCH THEM!! But somehow i don't want it to be my life, their lie isn't that cool i'm more likely to live my own life...

    Good Luck- Have more Fun

    Hope i was helpful


  2. just try to turn a new leaf...if your of age, then maybe move somewhere fun like cali, or new york and just make that dream life come true...youd be suprised how many ppl go out and seek other ppl for roomates just for this reason.

    good luck

  3. Dude I feel the exact same. I dont watch the OC but I watch one tree hill, sometimes and its like I want to do all the stuff they do and have friends like that. But I guess If you just grow up you'll forget about it. Then again we are all entitled to dream about a life we want. Just dont let it stop you doing what you want

    When I graduate from school, I'm going to have a life like that, or at least a fun life

  4. That's the danger with all these television shows that feature teens having a good time, they give young people the illusion that life is one big beach party. Unfortunately it's not, there are ups and downs and it's up to us to find the right balance in our lives.

    Even in OC, you will still see some reality, like the mother has a problem with alcohol, and there are divorces in the families, and stuff like that. So that shows you that in every family that looks like everything's great, there might be some niggling problem that steals people's peace of mind and doesn't allow them to be totally relaxed.

    This is not to say that your life can't be happy, it's a matter of enjoying good moments when they come, and not keep thinking that other people around you are always having a party. If you ask most young people close to you what their life is like, you'll probably find they have many of the same issues on their minds that you do. That is normal. I wasted many years of my youth thinking that my friends were all having a ball, it turns out they weren't, and I heard it from their own mouths that it was boring for them and they weren't having the wonderful time I thought they were. They were just great actors, making it look like they were having a ball.

    Instead of complaining how boring life is, just try to make it more fun like playing beach volleyball with some friends or going to see some newer movies coming to the local cinema. It doesn't have to be like the shows, invent your own fun, but make sure it's safe for yourself and others.

  5. Hello

    It's Ok to feel like that sometimes but i'm sure if you put your life into perspective it might not be as much of a let down as you think.

    And your right about them shows being very unrealistic, the actors in it probably have very different lives to their roles on t.v so it's completely pointless comparing yours to the t.v shows. If you want your life to be like the characters on t.v change it if that's what you really want.

    And alot of people feel the same way that you do but some people might have things a whole lot tougher. But i don't know anything about you.

    The only thing i can really suggest is to stop obsessing over the fact you think your life is a let down because it might not be & try to surround yourself with things that make you feel good and less depressed.

    Hope that helped  :)


  6. It's quite normal to feel like your life isn't as exciting as all of those shows... but try not to dwell on it. Most people feel like that at some point, and it does get better. You also have to remember that most people don't have lives like that.

    Try thinking of things in your life that you love, and wouldn't want to change. Would you really want to change every little thing in your life, to be more like them? Family, friends, your school...?

    If you really can't think of anything, try getting involved in something new. I hit a rut in grade 9, and joined a community choir, and ended up getting to make some very close friends, and getting to travel to Europe to compete several times!

    There are lots of activities that will help you to find an exciting new community, and in a while, you may wonder why it was that you were so set on the lifestyles on those shows.

  7. This is what I would do if I could do it all again...

    1) Get a part-time job

    2) Study Hard

    3) Save all your money

    4) Buy the biggest coolest TV you can and the newest Console Game system

    5) put said TV in front of a couch

    6) sit down on said couch

    7) pick up Game console controller

    8) activate game

    9) problems solevd



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