
Help a poor graduate student by participating in a short linguistics survey?

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Dear Readers, Please participate in this survey to help a linguistics graduate student. Thank you!?

The linguistics survey is located at and it will take less than 3 minutes of your time. It's very very short obviously and pretty self-explanatory with its guidelines. Your participation will greatly help my term project. If you have been a researcher, you know how precious data can be for you when your final projects are due soon. If would like to know what exactly the purpose behind this survey is, please let me know and i will email some more info later on. Many many thanks, J.




  1. finished

    I would be interested to know what its about

  2. haha.. Choosing ethnicites and gender feels so wrong.

    That was definitely a test of thought and personal identification.

  3. Done....

  4. done!

  5. I went n done it fur Ya!

    Hope it arrived intact.

  6. Did it. I liked it because where I'm from in Scotland people talk like that constantly " she goes, he goes " etc. I've never really heard it used that much here.

  7. ok  I did it for you, that was quite  interesting never done a survey like that. Good luck on the rest of your research and the final project.

  8. I did it for you.

    It was quite interesting actually. Very different to other surveys I have participated in.

  9. "You should choose this if you don't think that none of the adjectives really describes this speaker."

    your studying linguistics at a graduate level? they should've covered the use of double negatives by now....

  10. Uh, you aren't supposed to use this site this way.

    But, done and done.

    And I'm keen to know your results and analysis. You aren't the first to promise to do this, but you COULD be the first to actually DO it, and let us know. Posting it on this site won't work (it's unlikely we'd see it, and it would be another abuse of this site).

  11. Done and Done. I'm taking linguistics right now at my school, the IPA is like learning a whole new language. It took me and my friend like 20 minutes to figure out the word caution! LOL

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