
Help! about a polar bears enviroment pleaseeee!?

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can someone please tell me about a polar bears enviroment, thankyou x




  1. Ice bergs ,they sleep on the ice in the snow ,and eat what is in the water ,like seals,fish,and they are known to hunt man for food ,should one wanders into their territory

    no with so much ice melting ,many are swimming around ,they will have to move towards land masses soon if the ice disappears altogether.

    Or they will die in the water.

    already some are having to cross to great a gaps between ice and they drown.

  2. In the seemingly pristine Arctic environment, polar bears are threatened by the spread of hormone-disrupting chemicals and global warming.  This affects the polar ice edge ecosystem, the habitat of walrus, seals and penguins, as well as bears.

    Global warming could already be having a negative impact on polar bears. In Canada's Hudson Bay, polar bear numbers have been declining according to a study by Canadian Wildlife Services.  Ice on the bay is melting an average of three weeks earlier than in the mid-1970s. This forces polar bears to retreat further inland before they have been able to replenish their reserves of fat by feeding on seal pups, which live on the ice.

    The polar bears in the Hudson Bay are unique in the Arctic because they don't eat for six to eight months of hibernation and rely on winter hunting for survival. Longer ice-free periods during the artic summer leave polar bears stranded onshore for longer periods. The delay in freeze-up causes polar bears to lose critical fat reserves affecting reproduction and the ability of pregnant females to produce enough milk for their cubs. Scientists can already document a 15 percent drop in birth rates.

    The World Meteorological Organization, along with the UN, set up the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to assess the impact of climate change. The Artic was found to be extremely vulnerable, more so than any other area on earth.

  3. Polar bears are considered a marine mammal, which is why the Kodiak Brown bear is the largest land carnivore.  The Polar Bear lives in far north arctic regions pretty much around the top of the globe.

    They spend the vast majority of their time on the arctic ice hunting for seals and young walrus and the occasional bird.  They will swim from ice floe to ice floe during the summer but prefer staying on the main ice attached to land.

    Some migrate from area to area but most stay within a relatively small area that they stake out as their own.  They have no predators, except man.  Global warming has caused the summer ice floes to shrink in size and number.

    Many more bears in the past years have drowned trying to swim to an ice floe too far away.  They only hunt on the ice and have no chance to catch food in the water.  They are slow plodding swimmers and usually drown because they have not eaten, are weakened, and then head out to sea to find an ice floe with seals resting on it.

    They den up in late October or so (in the Alaska region) and the females have their cubs.  The cubs emerge usually around April.

    A polar Bear's fur is actually clear hollow tubes that hold air for warmth.  Their skin is black.  It is not a popular fur for clothes because it is so heavy.

    Hope this helps.

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