
Help about massage...?:)?

by  |  earlier

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would anyone out there pay someone to come to their house and give them a massage?

im trained in massage and im always doing hand and foot massages for my family and friends and i do the odd pedicure now and again.

i thought maybe i could use this as a way to earn some extra money.... but it just seems a bit random to advertise it.

and what kind of people would be interested in this??

does anyone have any useful tips or ideas how i culd advertise this as i dont want it to be a waste of time...??

thanks for any help:)




  1. Take a look in your local business directory - you will see other businesses offering this service. Find out how much they are charging so you can set a realistic price. Make sure you make it clear that your services are not seedy then advertise in the locations in which you wish to work.  You can use leaflets, flyers, ads in local papers, local phone directories etc.

    Good Luck!

  2. We work with all kinds of holistic practitioners, including massage therapists.  There's definitely a market out there.

    Think about the ways in which the massages you give help your friends and family.  Say they help someone feel less stressed.  That's the angle you work on for promoting what you do.  Something like, "Finding life stressful?  Foot Massage helps you relax."  Not brilliant, but I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.

    Then think about where you can find people who are stressed.  It may be that you can offer this service to local companies at lunchtime.  Another way to contact stressed people is to attend evening networking events if you're not free during the day.  Speak to the business people there and find out who they have in their networks that work in a stressful environment and would benefit from what you do.

    This is just an example of how you could move forward with what you do.  Please feel free to contact me with more questions.

    Good luck!

  3. brill idea, just be-careful how an where you advertise, you wouldnt want people getting the wrong impression.  x

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