
Help! about moustache!!!?

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Im a 13 year old boy and I am staying at my grandparents till Thursday night. I found a bunch of razors at their house so I decided to shave for the first time. I did it well, but my parents aren't here till Thursday night and if they find out I'm in trouble. It was just a little moustache. Will it grow back by Thursday night? Thanks.




  1. Why should you get into trouble its your face! Also if your parents are coming over i doubt it a lot that your moustache will grow back quickly. Sorry x

  2. i really dont think so mi bro has one to and wen he shaves it doesnt grow bac that fast srry ur

  3. why will you get in trouble just tell them that you didnt want a moustache

  4. Will they notice? Probably not. I won't grow back in time so use eyeliner to draw one on. I'm not kidding.

  5. It depends..

    It will grow back darker and thicker but usually for a little bit of hair to start growing back it taked like 3-4 days till you see some results but theyll be able to tell sorry..

    Good Luck :D

  6. Why would you be in trouble?  Probably a little bit will grow back by then and they might not even notice.  Just chill and don't worry.  I wouldn't be mad if my son did that.

  7. tell them you dont want a mustash!!!!i am your age and mustashs are ugly. they should understand

  8. Once you shave, it'll grow back darker and thicker than it normally was. And it'll grow back fast.

  9. y would u get in trouble

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