
Help about school work!!!!!!?

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I'm really scared about going into 5th grade last year was so much fun! there was not a lot of homework!! but then my sister who is in 10th grade said that 5th grade is so so so much harder! so now I'm even MORE scared what should i do




  1. Ahahaha, what you should do is not be afraid of anything you haven't done yet anyway. Chances are your sister's just trying to mess with you. I'm going into tenth grade now, and I would never say fifth grade was hard unless I was messing around. It does depend alot on your teacher too, though.

    So don't worry about it, just stay calm and don't be afraid, and I bet you'll be alright. Fifth grade isn't as bad as you think; it's actually loads of fun. Good luck =)


  3. you have nothing to worry about. you sister was just probaly trying to scare you.5th grade is so fun! you will have a good time. you dont get that much homework. of course the work will be harder but thats because your moving up a grade.

  4. why would you listen to your sister she is trying to scare you 5th grade is like any other grade it should be easy as long as you study

    you will do fine

  5. I'm a sophomore in college and I would love to go back and do 5th grade homework. lol Remember... there are always going to be obstacles in your way but you can overcome it if you study and take notes! Taking notes will help you for all of your years in school. I couldn't survive college if not for my notes... and the same applies for my other years of school!

  6. fifth grade was the best year of elementary school. i met my best friends there and we still are best friends. Its not hard at all. The homework takes like ten or twenty minutes. chill out and have fun. its a good year. no worries.

  7. 5th grade is so easy

  8. It might be a little more demanding, but don't worry. The change won't be so drastic that you won't be able to cope with it. It'll become normal. How many people have gone through this before?

  9. Hey, Dont be scared at all, im sure your sister is just winding you up Lol

    Enjoy school while your there, Just have a good time =]

    Good Luck  

  10. Hi Pinky,  It was not nice of your sis to tell you that 5th grade is harder. Each new grade year is going to include new challanges that you should look forward to mastering. There is nothing that you can not learn. If you tell your self  " Somebody knew this before me and is now teaching me, I CAN DO IT!."  Good luck and tell sister that things are hard only if you don't want to do it.

  11. lol, there's not much you can do. Obviously you have to go to school and get passed 5th grade.

    I didn't think 5th grade was hard at all and I went to a 5A school. Believe me, 5th grade is the least of your worries.. just wait until high school. I didn't think high school was that hard either though. I'm in college now.. I graduated high school in 2004.

  12. 5th grade is very easy, i'm in 10th this year and i only wish i was still in 5th

    with the fact that you can figure out how to use yahoo answers before 5th grade then you should be fine

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