
Help about the Fasting in the month of RAMADAN?

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Hi, i converted to islam just a few days back and i am not sure what do i do in the month of RAMADAN. like i wanted to know the DUA for starting my fasting and the dua to end fasting. i would also like to know about TARAVEEH and how to perform it ! pls answer this. thank you




  1. bism Allah alrahman alraheem

    asalam alaikoum sister

    you can view dua here :

    and use this website :

    you will find all you need inshaa Allah

    ramadan mubarak !

  2. About prayer to start your fasting in ramadan, there are many kinds of prayers you can say just in your heart, but for beginner like you, it's no problem you say it in your own language. The important one is that you have will to fast ramadan.Ramadan is the best time to declare your prayers to Allah. So, pray whatever you want when you end your fasting, before drinking or eating. About TARAVEEH there are some versions about how many raka'ats. You can read in Shahih Bukhari's book. Or you can visit Blog Syareat Hakekat Zenbae in

    but in indonesian version. Insya Allah, will be in english version next month.

  3. hey ive been a muslim my whole life and i know that there is no dua before u start fasting but the dua for ending the fasting is "allah hum laka sumt, wa alake twekelt wa 3la rizkeke aftert thehebe al theme' wa btelet al arooq wa al ajar inshallah"this is in arabic though.but wen u pray the taraveeh u have to go to the mosque after u eat for the asha prayer then after the prayer u pray the taraveeh with everyone else in the mosque. im sorry if u dont know arabic but that waz the only dua i can think of. hope i helped.

  4. Asalamu aleykum

    Ma sha Allah, please make dua for us.  Did you know that when you accepted Islam, Allah converted all of the sins you had commited to credits for good actions?  So, you are very pure and very close to Him now.

    You don't actually need to say a particular dua when starting to fast.  Just have the intention to fast.  The same is true for breaking your fast, but offering dua is particularly effective both while a person is fasting and at the time when s/he breaks the fast.

    Most people offer 8 rakats of tarawih.


  5. I'm very happy for you.  Not to worry too much about this.  Baby steps into Islam.  You may even want to consider preparing yourself by trying partial fasting days at first before doing full days.  Do not feel disheartened if you can't bear the hunger or the thirst at first and have to break your fast.  God only expects your best, not beyond what you can bear.  

    I don't know of any specific du'a for starting/ending the fasting day.  But perhaps someone else will have an answer for you.  You do need to have the intention to fast.  

    Taraveeh (or terawih, or some other form of spelling) is the session of extra prayers done during Ramadan.  Typically (for the ease of the worshippers), they are done in sets of two or four with breaks in between (Are you familiar with the term 'rakaat'?)  with a one rakaat prayer at the end.  How many sets you do is up to you, depending on your abilities.  And you can do them at home or at the masjid.  I may have made mistakes in writing the number of rakaats so please confirm this with a reference text.

    Your local masjid should be able to support you in your quest to learn more.  If you'd like to attend online classes with live lectures, please visit and check out the schedule.  Many classes are conducted on weekends.  When possible, the scholars are available to answer questions at the end of the lectures.  

  6. ask grandpa / scholar:

    for dua:

    Taraweeh= 8, or 20 [like most do] even more for some RARE CASES]


    2 is enough if busy,

    even do it seating on chair if tired,

    do it with ease and love

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