
Help ? acting ?

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Hi! how can i get an acting career going in Boston?.. i've taken classes and i'm going to take more but i just don't know how to further myself. I get emailed auditions but they are usually not for my type. All i really want to do is act and i don't know what else to do. My school doesnt have any kind of theater program and i would rather be in front of a camera then theater ( there is a huge difference and i just dont think theater is right for me) . The theater in my town isnt that great either.

I can't even further my skills for my resume because i have muscle weakness and i cant do any kind of sports and i cant sing.. i wanted to do a musical instrument like drums but thats too exspensive! For skills i have .. british accent,flexible and walking impairment lol ..





  1. You say:

    "I get emailed auditions but they are usually not for my type"

    Maybe you need to go for them anyway. If you have enough confidence and chutzpah you can sometimes get a part that YOU think is totally not you.

    Try the local library for contacts in amateur dramatics, they ALWAYS need new blood and will extend your range. Don't dismiss theatre, it gives you the skills you will need if you ever get in front of cameras.

    Are you SURE you can't sing? Pay for an hour's voice training and get a professional opinion before you accept that.

    If your muscle weakness is a medical condition perhaps you might need to consider an alternative career. Working in TV or film is exhausting, even for the very fit, spending a long day under hot lights, rehearsing, walk throughs and repeated takes can have strong men weeping and weak women fainting dead away - don't commit lightly, the red carpet glamour stuff is only for the lucky (and strong) few.

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