
Help again with my Birthday party?

by  |  earlier

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its my 16th Birthday party and there will be about 10 girls including me.

Ideas :

1. Just go out for a meal to pizza hut/ noodle bar. Not very posh or extravant. Last about two hours?

2. Have a garden party, picnic food, bbq food, watch a movie? from 1-6?

3. Watch movies, listen to music, order some pizza, chat, go on computer. from like 5-10:30?

what do you think?

coz my parents dont really like my friends so number 3 would be a bit awkward.

no 2, my parents would be fine coz they wouldnt be home.

no 1 would be excellent but it could be a bit boring?

what do you think is best?




  1. i dont know

    but id go with number 3

    but 10 of you round a computer would be a bit weird

  2. I would do number 2 because it would be alot of fun and nice to get outside w/ your friends for a bbq. Instead of a movie I would do something more social because movies at a birthday party often get boring and people dont really want to go to a boring party. Mabey you could go outside and have a game of kick  ball soccer? Do some sort of thing outside to go w/ the whole bbq theme.

  3. 2

  4. i think no. 2

    cos its a chance to speak with friends and ust relax, you can have pizza any time so...

    but i hoped i helped and my opinion is n2

  5. 2. Or 1 and you can add some activities like going to the cinema, ice-skating, go-karting, funfair, day out at theme park.

  6. 2 definitely, sounds more like a proper party.

    definitely not 3!


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