
Help? any ideas or tips??

by  |  earlier

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i have a list of ten day care centers around town, i really want to get a job at one.

so should i call them all and ask if thy are hiring or go to them and ask???




  1. I would call. I don't like the idea of a stranger just walking up to the door of a daycare to talk to the person who runs it.

  2. If you have experience in the child care field, consider printing resumes, mail to all ten centers on a Monday and call on Wednesday or Thursday to follow up to see if your resume was received and to inquire as to whether they are presently hiring.  

    Payments are generally received on Monday or Friday or the last or first day of the month, so these are not the best times to inquire.  Try to avoid calling before 8:30 am and after 4:30 pm as these are peak arrival and departure times for many centers.

    If you are able to speak with the Director or a hiring representative, ask if your resume is sufficient, or if you should stop in for one of their applications.

    Best wishes!

    P.S.  Whatever you do, please don't take any children to an interview!

  3. def. call

  4. :-)  It all depends on the director...whether they preferred someone to call or not.  So I guess you have to do what you are comfortable with.  

    In my opinion, going to the day care with resume in hand tends to show that you are really interested...and also gives you a "first impression" of the place.  I remember one that I went to and apply for and I waited, unnoticed for at least 4 minutes and I could touch a child every once in awhile.  That is NOT a safe thing and on top of that it was complete chaos in the rooms I could observe. I turned around and walked back out because I was not going to be working in a place like that.  If I had called ahead of time someone would have been waiting for me and I wouldn't have had that little visual.  So's up to you.  :-)  Good luck!  Remember to dress appropiately...not all fancied up but not all dressed down either.  Show a professional attitude.  :-)

  5. as a former director i didn't like people calling.  seemed like a lack of initative.  i preferred people to come in with a resume and references and fill out an application.  to me that spoke of professionalism (dress the part).   if they came in prepared i'd always take the time to speak with them for a short interivew at least.  if they called i took it as being lazy or just trying to get contact names for unemployment insurance.

  6. I would call, ask to speak to the director and find out when it would be convenient for you to visit to drop off your resume. If you are told  they are not hiring, ask if they use substitutes. Many times I would use someone as a substitute and hire that person when there was a full time opening. Definitely dress neatly and have a neat copy of your resume with you. If you don't list your references on your resume, make a separate list including the persons name, address and phone number. If it is a work reference, give the persons title, (supervisor, manager etc.)

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