
Help!!! armpit sweat!?!?!?

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okay i know this is akward

but i sweat from my armpits and it like makes visible sweat marks on my shirt

and im using mitchum which i was told was the best brand antipersperant and it isnt helping much

i'm 16 so i cant exactly go get botox or anything like that

please please please help me out!!! i hate being so self consious!!

is there anything else i can do!?!




  1. I use 'Drysol' and I don't sweat for days. It stings a little for about 15 minutes after you put it on, but it's not that bad.

    It's perscription though. Just ask your doctor for it.

    I've had mine for half a year or so and I'm not even close to half way through it. It's about 20$.  

  2. take an extra shirt with you...get used to it every one sweats

  3. go to longs they have a brand that is good and or better than a perscription....

    i use it its called certain-dri

  4. Hello,

    This may sound weird, but it works. Buy Mens Degree (unscented) deodorant or any other strong working Mens Deodorant. Put that on, then on top put Secret (scented) Womens Deodorant. That way, when you sweat (men sweat more) it won't go through, but if you sweat alot, the scent will release in your (womens) deodorant!

  5. To tell you frankly, I find armpit sweat ( and smell ) d**n s**y. So my advice is just don't do anything about it.

  6. i read an article on sweat in the pits because i was having the same problem.

    it recomends that you put deoderant on before bed

    because it allows the deoderant

    time to go into your pores and stop the sweat.

    it works for me so you should try it!

    oh and i use the mitchum too!

  7. i use the clinical strength by secret - it's twice as expensive as the others but it really works!

  8. i'm so sorry that you have this problem. you may actually have hyperhidrosis(exessive sweating). you can go see a doctor and tell them about this. i am 17 and also have this so i know how you feel, i was self consious too :(. but i went to a dermatologist and i was afraid to get botox because i scared of needles (lol) but they did perscribe me with drysol. you roll on the drysol under your arms at night... sometimes irritation occurs though. the doctor also perscribed me pills too just incase i couldn't stand the irritation of the drysol. but i think i'm going to suck it up and get the botox... it lasts 4-6 months!!! my advice to you - go to the doctor and get try the drysol. i stopped getting sweat marks. and if you can go ahead and get the botox because insurance covers it and its awesome lol.

    good luck & God Bless :)

  9. degree women, perfect i tried it works like no other, better than dove, i tried it and walked like 20 block and no sweat under my arms,

    and wear undershirts too, that helps with the marks until you fund a result

  10. Orightt,

    so i am a boy and i also use mitchum,

    i also had the exact same problem.

    it was that bad i had to tape tolielt roll to my armpits when i went out.

    i then found out that alot of salt in my diet caused my sweat.

    I cut down my salt intake and now i am dry as Gandhi's sandles

    Hope this helped you!

  11. Use an antiperspiratnt and deoderant.  Deodarant covers the smell and anti perspirant will keep you from sweating.  

    I found that the avon pink roll on deoderant works well and you can catch them on sale for either 79 or 99 cents.  Good luck to you.

  12. Secret Platinum Protection works great for me! My armpits don't sweat at all while I'm using it, even if I go to the gym.

  13. wear deoderant like secret or the ones they show on the commercials when the lady was getting married...i hear it helps

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