
Help asap!!! my husband ?

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i love him very much. and i want to show him more that i love him. i write him poems and talk to him everyday. give me advice. i love him very much.




  1. does he really LIKE poems?  if you are living together, you're supposed to talk to each other.  you sound a bit "smothering" to me.  chill out, and just tell him you love him.  you don't need to throw poems at him every day.

  2. what's wrong in the marriage to make you want to make up for some love?

  3. You love him too much that it makes you give out too much and expect something from him in return.

    If you love him too much, the best thing you could give him is an air of trust and air so he can still breathe. What you've been doing sounds like you are all over his face all the time and sometimes honestly it can get pretty annoying.

  4. You might want to ask him what gestures you could do that would make him feel loved.  I'm sure he appreciates the poems, but there might be one or two things that you could do for him that have never even entered your mind.  Asking him means that you care enough about what matters to him.  

  5. All very nice, but are you loving him the way he wants to be loved? Sometimes we assume that something that would make us happy, should/would make our partner equally as happy. That may be true sometimes, but wrong at others. If your "love languages" are different, then what you consider to show your love may come across as self indulgent to the other.

    An example - A man might think that working all hours and giving his family everything money can buy, is his way of showing his love. While his wife wishes he wouldn't work so long so she could see him more, have him home, even if it means less "stuff". Two different love languages.

    Another - She wishes he would just hold her, hug her, talk to her, but he wants s*x and sees that as showing her how much he loves and desires her. If she says no, he walks off. She sees him as only wanting one thing, and he sees her as rejecting him. Two different love languages.

    So talk to him about what he feels is his way of loving you, and what he wants from you to feel loved. And tell him what you want and need too.

  6. What's wrong?

  7. I sense that there is more to this question than you are saying.  If your husband is running around on you, there is nothing you can do to make him stop until he wants to or you confront him.  Ask more and maybe someone can come up with a real answer.  

  8. I don't understand. Is something wrong? Does he not respond to your affections?

    If that's the case, find a way to talk. Educate yourself on communication.

    If you're looking for ideas on how to show your hubby how much you love him do some research on-line. The internet is LOADED with ideas!

    ~Good luck~

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