
Help. avice needed about bunking of school?

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So today i bunked off last two lessons with two of my friends. i told my mum i was at home becuase he teacher didnt turn up for the lesson so i just came home. and now the school have rang her ad no i did it; she texted me sayin she no1's. What should i say to her when she gets home?.. im not the type to say sorry and suck up to her tho.. ??




  1. Then I guess you're the type to get some serious privileges taken away.

    You were wrong - either admit to it and take the heat, or lie, get caught, and get in more trouble.  Those are your choices.

  2. Be honest, you know it was wrong or you wouldn't be asking so tell her you should have thought it through and it won't happen again.

    Don't try to deny or make excuses its too late.

  3. Tough luck! Sucking up is all you can do now! Parents see right through lies - so take it like a man!

  4. You have PLENTY of growing up to do if you are "not the type to say sorry...".  Real men and real women know how to say sorry when they blew it.    Sounds like you get a chance to start practicing adulthood today.  Good luck!

  5. If you're not sorry at least explain why you did it. Your truancy is something that SHE will get in trouble for so she's going to be angry. Was this a one off thing or are you having problems at school or just finding it a massive bore and waste of the precious minutes of your life?

    You've posted this question in the Home Schooling section, was that by accident or are you considering asking to be home educated?

  6. if you're gonna bunk at least be good at it and don't get caught. now your only option is to be honest and say you were stupid... because that's what bunking is... stupid.

  7. Have the self-respect to own up to what you did and the guts to take your punishment (whatever she decides to make it) like a man, no whingeing or crying about it. Then learn from it.

    Btw whether you (or your mum) could get in trouble with anyone else depends massively on where you live! People and schools in the US seem to have something of an obsession with truancy, authorised vs unauthorised absences and the number of days you're 'allowed' to miss school each year etc whilst authorities in other countries adopt a far more relaxed approach.

  8. You've got no chance of saving yourself now why don't you just say sorry and explain why you did it, but if you bunk school your just making your future worse for yourself.

  9. tell the truth.. if u can bunk then u might aswell tell ur mum u did it. no biggy

  10. Better 'fess up. You are not only getting yourself into trouble -she could also be prosecuted as well for what you did.  As it is a first time (?) you might get away with it.

    When you do this kind of thing you need to think  what you are risking - not much use being sorry after. You'll probably see it's not worth it - which is a more valuable lesson than the one's you missed, I would have thought.

    Don't suppose it's worth telling you that in some countries where education is a privilege not a right, people would kill for the opprtunity you are throwing away with both hands - which would suggest I never bunked off (I did - I just didn't get caught).

  11. Aww lol

    u have blown it =P

    but you'll need to give her a gd reason y you did it lol,

    bullying? =P

    It's not that bad, I got away with bunking the 2 last lessons for about 9 weeks runnin & my teachers never said anything, i kno cos i'd hav been in deep S**t if i'd been found out.

    Just b careful =]


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