
Help baby and placenta position?Could this cause problems?

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I'm 24 weeks 5 days, I went to the midwife yesterday (first time in 9 weeks).

And she looked through my notes listened to my baby's heart beat (she never measured my belly).

I was told when I had my scan that the baby was lying breech, bum down. My midwife also told me that my placenta was anterior which is on the outside, she said that this is probably why my boyfriend doesn't feel the baby kick.

I thought that the midwife was meant to measure your bump from 20 weeks, I'm not that big and would have like to have known that I was on track. I suppose she would have said if she thought i was too small.

She told me that the baby was only going to be small from the leg measurements.

Is it usual to not see your miwife for such a long time? I'm not seeing her again untill i'm 28 weeks 5 days(four weeks).

I know there's time for my baby to move yet but could the position of the baby and the placenta cause a problem?

Also could the placenta being anterior be part of the reason I'm so small?





  1. I am 28 weeks and only see my midwife every 4/5 weeks. I have not yet been measured and my midwife told me that the way the baby is lying at the moment is not a concern as it is too early and the baby will still be moving around a lot. My midwife told me my bump is average size and I am not that big either so you really dont need to worry. If the baby is still breech when you are at your due date then I would expect you would have an elective section but there is still loads of time for your baba to move. After 30 weeks of pregnancy you should see your mid wife more often. Good Luck :)

  2. It's normal to see the midwife every 4 weeks (sometimes seeing a GP instead) up until you are 30-something weeks. Unless the placenta is covering the 'exit route', I don't believe it's a problem.

    If you're midwife isn't concerned about the baby's size, then neither should you be. Are you petite yourself? Or your partner? Some people just seem to carry smaller bumps - my friend was tiny but gave birth to a 7lb 6 baby - pretty much average size!

  3. my placenta was also anterior this was fine the only problem that it caused was finding the heart beat it used to take the midwife longer then usual to find it because the placenta was in the way. also my baby was breach right up until about 36 weeks the midwife started talking about my options she said they could try turning the baby or i could have a c-section but then on my 38 week check he had turned so i ended up having a natural birth. also when you start seeing the midwife in early pregnancy you dont go that often where i live you see her every 6 weeks at first then every 3 weeks then at about 34 weeks its every 2 weeks but if you go over 40 (past your due date)its every week but usually if you havent gone into labour by between 10 and 14 days past your due date your usually induced. and as for the baby been small he/she is probably just taking after her parents my son wasn't very long at birth hes caught up now but he still weighed 7.15 which is quite big for someone my size because im also petite.  

  4. You should be seeing your midwife every 4 weeks until you reach 30-32 weeks and then it becomes more frequent.  Yes, at this point you should be getting measured but not every doctor or midwife does it the same way.  Some only use finger width to determine size.  As far as the position of your baby and're right, your baby has plenty of time to get in proper position.  I don't think the placenta will cause much of a problem as long as it's not low-lying.  That's where the problems come in.  It will however prevent you from feeling the kicks with your hands quite as strongly.  If you are uneasy about the care you're getting, either speak with the midwife about it or look for another provider.  You need to be satisfied with this experience and that includes your doctor visits.

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