
Help! back to school question!

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i have to do a summer reading. i bought a book from ebay and its coming on monday. my school starts on sept. 6 and do you think i'll have enough time to read the book? also, i really want to get good grades. i'm going to 7th grade and in 6th grade, i got straight A's but i had to work like a dog to earn it. so any tips on what i should do to get good grades. and any note taking tips? thanx =)




  1. Yea, you have enough time if you actually read it every day.

    Note taking tips- don't get every word, broadly is good. Make sure you actually have the time to hear and understand what the teacher says before wirting it down.

    Study every day, Review everything you don't know and you do.

  2. if its really long its hard to say if you will get it done on time. Just read as much as you can evrey day before school starts

  3. You should have enough time to read the book if you devote yourself to it./ Learn to do your assignments early and not run into this type of problem again.

    Here are some tips top help you study better and smarter.

    1. Have all of your materials ready and in the place that you are going to study.

    3. Study when its quiet. No music, no TV, No headphones, no nothing.

    4. Do your most difficult subject fist or else you may never get to it.

    5. Keep a calendar so that you know when a project is due or a test is going to be given.

    6. Vocabulary is very important. Words have different meanings. You need to know the meaning for the subject that you are taking.

    7. Study the relationship of things. How is the topic that you studied related to the unit that you are studying?

    8. Your textbook has hints for you. Many books have important words or phrases in darkened or colored type, make sure that you know them thoroughly.

    The sites below are excellent and will give you many other ideas about studying.

  4. You'll have almost a month to read the book!

    Make sure you read enough pages each day to finish the book in plenty of time.

    Tips for study:

    A little review done regularly is better than cramming at the last minute.  Try to make connections between new learning and what you already know.

    Ask your teacher if there is anything you don't understand.

    Highlight the most important information.

    Keep track of your assignments, and keep your work organized, e.g. in a binder.

    For note-taking tips, see:

  5. in middle school take all the notes you can because they will come really usefull dont be afraid to go over the line grades come first :)

  6. I got all A's 6th grade... but in 7th i started making b's and c's =\ I started to get lazy.... just do your homework and listen to teachers ;)

  7. If you're capable of straight As your capable of reading a book before September, you have four weeks. You should be able to keep up your grades, as long as you work hard and do your homework. If you feel overwhelmed try getting a tutor. Sports also help because they keep you focused. Now about taking notes. I suggest buying highlighters and colored pencils. If you are taking notes in word form, you can highlight important information, even in different colors. If you're copying down a science chart and you have different forces you have to represent on an object, instead of using a normal pencil; you can use colored pencils. Than you see how each force act independently instead of mixing them up. This always helps me.

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