
Help bf wont let me take my own son to new zealand?

by  |  earlier

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im going to be going to new zealand in december to see most of my family but my bf wont let me take my son which will be 6 months old cause he reckons it will hard on me (ill be staying with my nana and grandad and then my dad and his wife will be there).

I want to take him so my family can see him and some of my friends and i dont know if ill be able to handle not having my son with me for 2 weeks and also my bf has to works from 3.30pm till sometimes around 10pm and his mum will have to look after him which i know she will do but she has to then to also travel for 40mins at night and she will be tired, where im in nz and i can look after him all the time and i wont be doing much travelling.

i have tried talking to him but he wont listen to me and its upsetting me, he reckons i wont be able to cope




  1. Do not allow this boyfriend, not even a husband, to dictate what you can and want to do with your own son. It would be good for you to introduce your son to his extended family. If you wait until a later date to take your son, you don't know what might come up to hinder that. I believe it would be good for you and your son.


  2. I think you should take him to see his grand-parents, great grand parents etc, sounds as if its gonna be tiring but you may not get another chance. Everyone will pitch in and help.

    Have a great time.

  3. If you won't be going until December and your son is now 6 months old, then he'll be 18 months old by then and would really miss his mother if he was without her for 2 weeks. If he's not yet born and you are expecting him then, the same thing really. He'll miss you and at 6 months old will be pretty much dependent on you. Have you spoken to your bf's mother about this? You might find that she can appreciate your dilemma and would speak up on your behalf. Also, why does he think you won't be able to cope? Has something happened to bring him to that conclusion? If not, then it appears as though he's not understanding that a relationship is a partnership and not a dictatorship.

    Good luck

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