
Help boredom =/ ?!?!?!?!

by  |  earlier

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Mk, lately ive been very bored around the house. My mom isn't letting me use the comp. or TV. i went biking, got some rc cars to race, and did some more. They worked for a while, but now i'm bored again! Any body have any fun hobbies they could introduce to me? By the way. I tried model building, dont mention it. Thanks SOO much!




  1. Get out paper and pencil try drawing be creative. And imagine living when we did not have color tv and only had 3 channels; and no cell phone or game boy , no computer, or any other of this generations electronics. Try reading a book.  

  2. i write, draw, read, go roller blading, and cook when i'm bored. it doesn't work all that well since i get bored really easily. you should try getting a project. write a story or draw all of your friends. learning an instrument is always good, too, though i've only tried a little.

  3. I think you should leave the house then

    go make friends

    or see the ones u have

    go for walks, movies etc

  4. Why don't you exorcise more? That's a easy way to use up stored energy.

    I don't know if you're a boy or a girl, but you can knit, take up cooking or pottery, read a good book, draw, write, re-arrange your room, do chores (only if you're desperate lol), plant a garden (that takes a lot of time and focus)....

    Hope this helps!

  5. do you like to write, paint? start building something. read a good book. look for a job, learn a new trade!! google for more ideas.  

  6. you should cook or bake

  7. * Learn how to play the guitar

    * Join a gym, for example Gold's Gym

    * Read a good book, for example I like reading fantasy books; I'm sure you've heard of the classic fantasy book Lord of The Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien

    * Buy a mountain bike & start tooling around town or hit the trails if there are any in your area

    This is all that I can think of right now.  Good luck & have fun!

  8. Boredom is not a lack of things to do. It is unhappiness. See site below on how to be happy. Then you will have lots of things to do.

  9. Anime! Give me thumbs down if you will, I don't care! Hauuuu.

    >_____> I know. If you don't want to be bored. You can try this:

    Ride the bus and burp at people. If they get mad, ignore them.

    That's what I do when I have nothing better...

    You might try acting like a worm. It's easy you just get down on the floor and slither. Attack when people least expect it.

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