
Help brother smoking pot...?

by  |  earlier

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my older brother(15) is smokin pot he told my mom that he quit a while ago but now hes doin it what should i do???




  1. You should go on Yahoo Answers and ask people what you should do.

  2. Tell on him.  

  3. depends what character your mother has. If you think she would try to help him stop tell her. If not tell someone else that he respects - maybe he/she would convince him to ask for help.

  4. 15 is a minor. the drug is also illegal as a substance

    he is also risking a lot of health issues

  5. First, get all his stash and send it to me. Then tell you Mother that your brother is still smoking. At 15 he is too young and ignorant to consider the consequences of his actions.

    I'm not talking health risks and brain death blah blah blah.

    Aside from anything else he is committing an illegal act. Since he is lying about it then he is obviously not ready to take responsibility for his actions.  

    He will be mad at you for ratting him out but you will be doing the right thing for your brother who doesn't know or care enough to do the right thing on his own.

  6. Nothing. If he wanted your mom to know he would have told her, right? All you'll do if you snitch on him is get her upset. Time to grow up!

  7. convince him to stop and make sure he is aware of the risks

  8. That's what you're supposed to do with it.

  9. tell your mother

  10. talk to him first, tell him how him smokin pot will upset your mum

    if he doesnt listen then tell mom!!

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