
Help calculating my grade ASAP!?

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if I have all my grades from all 4 quarters and the mid term and final, how I calculate my gradre?




  1. add them all up and divide by how many grades it is total. If dat don't work do each term one by one and add the four terms together den divide dem by 4

  2. if ur asking this than its probably not very high

  3. find the percentage of all of your grades. then add all those percentages together, and divide the sum by teh amount of marks you had

  4. add all the points together, then divide by the total number of points, then you will get a percentage, which will be the grade, like

    .80- 80% = B


  5. take the value of each group of grades as a % of the total grade

    so if each quarter is 20% of your grade (1/5th) & your mid-term & final are 5% each, you simply multiply each grade by its % and that is your grade for the semester

  6. the avrage is all of them added to geather divided by the amount of tests.

  7. Add all of your marks together,

    and divide it by 4.


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