
Help! camera broke! and dont know what to do!

by  |  earlier

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my exilim dropped... and it now stays stuck like this:

i took these pics with my camera phone, so sorry if they look crappy to you guys.. but yeah... i dont know if you guys notice, but the thing is kinda crooked. i dont know what to do, and yeah. im scared to shove that puppy back in, but what if i break it yaknow? other than that, i have had this camera for a little over a year now, so im guessing that a warranty is invalid now. is there anyone out there that knows what to do?




  1. Since it is already broken, you could try what kaiy2k suggested.  But I think you may have to get it repaired, and that won't be cheap.   It may cost almost as much as a new camera.  Call Casio and tell them what happened.  They may be able to tell you about how much it will cost to fix it.  

    The warranty does not cover the camera being dropped, so it doesn't matter that it's been over a year.  

  2. There's a slight chance you might be able to unstick the lens.

    The fall or drop has knocked the lens off it's gearing track. The only thing you can try and do is get it back in alignment. I have heard several methods. Get a flat board, book or something hard and flat. With the camera on it's back, gently, but firmly push the lens on the "high" side. It should "snap"back in place.

    Even if it does, I often hear that the camera will function only for a little while before completely going kaput.

    Don't worry about breaking it, it already is!

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